Arabic Language Blog

The Arabic active participle (Verb form VI-X) Posted by on Jul 10, 2009

In this post, I continue to explain the formation of the active participle (اسم الفاعل) from verb forms (VI-X), and I give some exceptional rules to note when making this form, especially as regards doubled verbs. In the beginning, I remind you of the steps that we have to follow to form the active participle…

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The Arabic active participle (Form II-V) Posted by on Jul 6, 2009

In a previous post, I introduced the active participle (اسم الفاعل) which is an important derivative that denotes the doer of the action of the person involved in doing the action. It has been noted that the active participle is formed from 3-lettered verbs (form I) by following the pattern (فاعل), for example (عامل…

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Environmental Vocabulary in Arabic Posted by on Jul 2, 2009

Let’s look at some Arabic vocabulary dealing with nature and the environment.  أحب الطبيعة في مدينتي. “I like nature in my city.” يحب أن نحافظ على البيئة. “We must conserve the environment.” كل المخلوقات الحية  تحتاج إلى الماء والهواء والطاقة. “All living creatures need water, air and energy.” Nature الطبيعة Environment البيئة Life الحياة Water…

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Arabic Verb forms VI-X Posted by on Jun 29, 2009

In this post, I continue to explain the verb forms. You can read about forms I-V here. I should have noted earlier that there are many functions for each form, and the one or ones I list in relation to a given form may be the most common use, but not the only one.  …

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Arabic Verb forms I-V Posted by on Jun 28, 2009

In Arabic, there are 10 verb forms that can be formed from each root. The root usually consists of 3 letters, and verb forms are made up of different patterns involving a given root. Some forms are used for a given root while others are not. Verb forms are usually indicated by roman numerals in…

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Active participle in Arabic Posted by on Jun 23, 2009

The active participle (اسم الفاعِل) is a very common and a very important form in Arabic. It is used a lot in both Standard and Colloquial Arabic, but it is used more extensively in colloquial dialects. It refers to the doer of the action of to one involved in the action, e.g. the active participle…

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Word formation in Arabic Posted by on Jun 22, 2009

Morphology or word formation is a very powerful concept in Arabic, and if a learner knows the word-formation rules in Arabic, he/she will find it very helpful in their future learning. Arabic is a highly derivational language, i.e. you can make words from the same root by using different forms. In English, for example, we…

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