Marhaba! It’s summer and as you know from my previous post on grilling chicken the Lebanese way, it’s the perfect season for barbecuing and enjoying time with family. Today, I want to teach you how to prepare potato salad the Lebanese way. I know this is a very popular side/appetizer in many countries, I firmly believe that if you have not had potato salad the Lebanese way, then you have not had potato salad. I know this sounds a bit arrogant, but the Lebanese certainly know their dishes. My family has been using this recipe for decades. So, please give it a shot and let me know how it goes. You can easily serve this easy and very tasty dish with Lebanese grilled chicken or other types of barbecue.
Lebanese Potato Salad
(سلطة البطاطا اللبنانية)

Image via Pixabay (Public Domain)
Ingredients (المكونات)
8 potatoes (بطاطا)
Medium onion (بصل)
Bunch of parsley (بقدونس)
Half cup of Lemon Juice (عصير الليمون)
Half teaspoon of Paprika (فلفل أحمر)
2 teaspoons Salt (ملح)
Half teaspoon of Sweet pepper (بهار حلو)
Cup of Olive oil (زيت الزيتون)

Image via Pixabay (Public Domain)
Directions (طريقة التحضير)
Boil (إغلي) potatoes in a large pot, until tender.
Chop (إقطع) parsley in small pieces.
Chop potatoes into small cubes.
Add (أضف) potatoes and parsley in large bowl.
Sprinkle (رشّ) salt, paprika, and sweet pepper.
Mix in olive oil and lemon juice into the large bowl (وعاء).

Image via Pixabay (Public Domain)
For now take care and stay tuned for upcoming posts!
Happy Learning!
Have a nice day!!
نهاركم سعيد