Reading Comprehension Answers: Naguib Mahfouz Posted by Fisal on Jun 5, 2015 in Arabic Language, Culture, Vocabulary
Ahlan, Arabic lovers! How was the last Arabic reading exercise about the only Arab Nobel Laureate for Literature; Naguib Mahfouz? I hope you have done well in it. Here are the answers just for you to check. To view the passage and the questions again, please click here.
الإجــابــات Answers
ولــِــدَ نــجــيــب مــحــفــوظ فــى االــحــادى عــشــر مــن شــهــر ديــســمــبــر 1911 فــى حــىّ الــجــمــالــيــة بــمــديــنــة الــقــاهــرة.
1) Naguib Mahfouz was born on December 11th 1911 in Al-Gamaliyah Quarter in Cairo.
عــنــدمــا كــان طــفــلاً عــاش مــحــفــوظ مــع أســرتــه فــى عــدة أحــيــاء فــى الــقــاهــرة الــقــديــمــة مــثــل حــى الــجــمــالــيــة ، و الــعــبــاســيــة ، و الــحــســيــن ، و الــغــوريــة.
2) When a child, Mahfouz lived with his family in many quarters of old Cairo like Al-Gamaliyah, Al-Abbasiyah, Al-Hussein and Al-Ghouriyah.
أهــم الأمــاكــن الــتــى أثــَّــرَتْ عــلــى شــخــصــيــة و كــتــابــات مــحــفــوظ هــى أحــيــاء الــقــاهــرة الــقــديــمــة ، أمــَّــا أهــم الأحــداث فــهــى ثــورة 1919.
3) The most important places that affected the personality and writings of Mahfouz were the Quarters of old Cairo and the most important event was the 1919 Revolution.
كــانــت جــامــعــة الــقــاهــرة تــســمــّــى بــجــامــعــة المــلــك فــؤاد الأول عــنــدمــا كــان مــحــفــوظ يــدرس بــهــا.
4) The Cairo University was called King Fouad I University when Mahfouz was studying there.
لــَــمْ يــُــكــمــِــل مــحــفــوظ دراســة الــمــاجــســتــيــر لأنــه قــرَّرَ أنْ يــحــتــرفَ الــكــتــابــة.
5) Mahfouz did not finish his Master studies because he decided to be a professional writer.
الأدبــاءُ الــمــصــريــون الــذيــن أثــَّــروا فــى نــجــيــب مــحــفــوظ و زادوهُ حــُــبــّــًا فــى الأدب هــُــم: طــه حــســيــن و عــبــَّــاس الــعــقــَّــاد.
6) The Egyptian authors who influenced Mahfouz and increased his love to literature are; Taha Hussein and Abbas Al-Aqqad.
يــُــمــكــنُ تــصــنــيــف أدب مــحــفــوظ بــأنــَّــهُ يــنــتــمــى إلــى الــمــدرســة الــواقــعــيــة.
7) The Mahfouz literature can be classified under the realism school.
اِســمْ الــروايــة الــتــى تــســبــَّــبــَــت فــى الــمــحــاولــة الــفــاشــلــة لإغــتـيــال مــحــفــوظ هــُــو (أولاد حــارتــنــا).
8) The novel that exposed Mahfouz to an unsuccessful assassination attempt is called “Children of Gebelawi” (also known as “Children of Our Alley”).
أهــم جــائــزة حــصــل عــلــيــهــا نــجــيــب مــحــفــوظ هــى جــائــزة نــوبــل فــى الأدب.
9) The most important prize Naguib Mahfouz got is the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1988.
كــتــبَ مــحــفــوظ 34 روايــة ، و أكــثــر مــن 350 قــصــة قــصــيــرة.
10) Mahfouz wrote 34 novels and more than 350 short stories.
تــرجــمــة الــجــمــلــة إلــى الــلــغــة الإنــجــلــيــزيــة:
11) Translation of the sentence into English:
“كــانَ نــجــيــب مــحــفــوظ مــُــســلــمــًا مــُــعــتــدلاً يــمــيــلُ إلــى الــصــُّــوفــيــّــة و لا يــحــبُّ الــتــطــرُّف، فــقــد كــان يــُــؤمــنُ بــحــريــة الــتــعــبــيــر و الــديــمــقــراطــيــة، كــمــا كــان نــاقــداً اِجــتــمــاعــيــاً و ثــائــراً ســيــاســيــاً فــى كــل أعــمــالــه.”
“Naguib Mahfouz was a moderate Muslim with a tendency to Sufism; he did not like extremism as he believed in freedom of expression and democracy, he also was a social critic and a political rebel in all his works.”
Check us back soon
Peace ســَـــلام /Salam/

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About the Author: Fisal
Well, I was born near the city of Rasheed or Rosetta, Egypt. Yes, the city where the Rosetta Stone was discovered. It is a small city on the north of Egypt where the Nile meets the Mediterranean. I am a Teacher of EFL.