Arabic Language Blog

Tag Archives: Arabic crossword puzzle

Learn the 10 Most Common Systems of Government in Arabic Posted by on Apr 25, 2015

Marhaba! I know many of you enjoyed learning the 10 most common words about government and politics in Arabic. Today, I have created an Arabic crossword puzzle to refresh your memory and/or teach you the 10 most common systems of government in Arabic! I am certain you will all enjoy solving this Arabic crossword puzzle…

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Learn the 10 Most Common Words about Government and Politics in Arabic (2) Posted by on Mar 30, 2015

Marhaba! I am confident that you all both refreshed your memory and learned the 10 most common words about government and politics in Arabic. You will come across most if not all these words in any daily Arabic newspaper. In the wake of the Arab Spring, the question of government types and relationship between politics…

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Learn the 10 Most Common Words about Government and Politics in Arabic Posted by on Mar 29, 2015

Marhaba! Whether you are living in democracy, autocracy, or theocracy, we all agree that government plays an important and major role in our lives. Be it from taxes to civil liberties (or lack thereof), all states around the world have some higher body for regulating affairs. Even though one might feel repressed under certain regimes…

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Learn the 10 Most Important Words about Autumn in Arabic (2) Posted by on Sep 29, 2014

Marhaba! Day after day, one could witness the changing colors of leaves on trees. Well, you might be living somewhere around the world where the trees are still fully green. But be sure that in no time nature will have its way, and the beautiful Autumn season will be upon you. Today I am sharing…

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Learn the 10 Most Important Words about Autumn in Arabic Posted by on Sep 27, 2014

Marhaba! Most of you by now know that Autumn or Fall (الخريف) is my utmost favorite season of the year. We’re done with summer and now it’s time to enjoy the beautiful breezes as we transition from one season to another. In the past I have told you about my sentiments regarding this beautiful season…

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Have you been to the Beach this Summer? (2) Posted by on Aug 28, 2014

Marhaba! Have you had the chance to go the beach yet? If not, then you better get a move on it before it’s too late! I personally feel it’s much more rewarding to swim in a beach or ocean rather than a swimming pool. It’s true that many folks spend too much time in the…

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Have you been to the Beach this Summer? Posted by on Aug 26, 2014

Marhaba! In most places across the globe August is one of the hottest and most humid months of the year! I for one love the summer season but just simply hate the long hot August days. I am not a fan of August especially when I have to work. However, if I am able to…

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