Marhaba! I know many of you enjoyed learning the 10 most common words about government and politics in Arabic. Today, I have created an Arabic crossword puzzle to refresh your memory and/or teach you the 10 most common systems of government in Arabic! I am certain you will all enjoy solving this Arabic crossword puzzle. Make sure to come back for the answers soon! As always, think of these words as building blocks! I am confident this will give you a huge leg up when reading, writing, and listening to Arabic. Please note that I have also included the 10 most common systems of government that have either emerged or collapsed in the history of the Arab world. Some have emerged as state systems and others as political parties. You will immediately realize that some of these systems are still intact across the Arab world.
Autocracy — أوتوقراطية
Democracy — ديمقراطية
Theocracy — ثيوقراطية
Mandate — انتداب
Empire — إمبراطورية
Monarchy — ملكية
Dictatorship — دكتاتورية
Federalism — فيدرالية
Republic — جمهورية
Colony — مستعمرة

For now take care and stay tuned for the answers soon!
Happy Learning!
Have a nice day!!
نهاركم سعيد