Tag Archives: Arabic culture
Happy Eid Posted by aziza on Jul 17, 2015
Yesterday was the last day of Ramadan (رمضان), and today is the Eid (عيد الفطر). Today, Muslims celebrate the end of their fasting, and enjoy the pleasures that they have given up for a month. It is a very happy time indeed! Most people celebrate the Eid in similar ways. In this post, I will…
A Traditional Dessert Posted by aziza on Jun 29, 2015
In this post, I present a very easy traditional Arabic dessert. It is found in most Arab countries in different names. In Egypt, we call it (لقمة القاضي). In other Arab countries, it is called (عوامات) or (زلابية). Ingredients: 3 cups flour 1/3 cup powdered milk 1/3 cup vegetable oil 1 egg 2/3 cup corn…
Welcoming Ramadan Posted by aziza on Jun 23, 2015
Ramadan is the most special month for Muslims. It has its special customs, routines and even foods. In this post, I present some of the customs associated with the holy month in different countries around the world. To begin with, all peoples welcome Ramadan with happiness and joy. Ramadan is regarded as the month of…
Ramadan Lantern Posted by aziza on Jun 22, 2015
Ramadan has its special customs and habits. One of the most interesting ones is Ramadan Lantern (فانوس رمضان). It is a lantern that people, especially children, use ONLY during the month of Ramadan. Most parents would buy their children lanterns (فوانيس), before the month begins. The kids traditionally hold the lit lanterns in their hands…
Al-Mussahirati Posted by aziza on Jun 21, 2015
Ramadan is the month of fasting for Muslims. It is the month of worship and spirituality. Muslims give up food and drink all day long in Ramadan (from dawn till sunset). Usually in Ramadan, people eat two meals only. At sunset, Muslims eat the breakfast mean (الإفطار), and between mid-night and dawn, Muslims eat another…
Listening Answers: The Charm of Arabic Calligraphy Posted by Fisal on Jun 11, 2015
Ahlan, Arabic lovers! How was the last listening exercise? I hope you have enjoyed the report. Here are the answers to the listening exercise about the Charm of Arabic Calligraphy. To view the exercise and the questions again, please click here. الإجــابــات Answers أســاســيــات الــخــط الــعــربــي الــتــى حــولــتــه إلــى فــنٍ مــتــعــارف عــلــيــه هــى: الــخــط…
Listening Exercise: The Charm of Arabic Calligraphy Posted by Fisal on Jun 11, 2015
اِســتــمــع إلــى الــتــقــريــر ، ثــُــمَّ أجـِــبْ عـَــن الأســئــلــة الــتــَّــالــِــيــَـــة : Listen to the report and then answer the following questions: الأســـْـــئــِـــلــة Questions مــا هــى أســاســيــات الــخــط الــعــربــي الــتــى حــولــتــه إلــى فــنٍ مــتــعــارف عــلــيــه؟ 1) What are the basics of the Arabic calligraphy that turned it into a common art? اِذكــُــر بــعــض أنــواع الــخــط الــعــربــي؟ …