Arabic Language Blog

Tag Archives: Arabic translation

Top 10 Best Movie Quotes of All Time – in Arabic Posted by on May 31, 2014

Marhaba! I am sure that at some point in our lives we’ve watched a movie (فيلم) that made us laugh or cry and that sometimes made us think about important world problems that deserve attention, such as global warming. We sometimes make references to movies by singling out our favorite lines from the film script…

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Arabic Translation Answer: An Idea Posted by on May 24, 2014

     Ahlan Arabic fans! Here is the English translation of the article “An Idea فــِــكــْــرة” by Mustafa Amin. For more information about Mustafa Amin, please check our blogs about him(part 1 and Part 2). Also, to view the article in Arabic, kindly refer to our previous post Fikrah فــِــكــْــرَة . I hope you will…

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Arabic Translation Exercise: An Idea Posted by on May 23, 2014

     Ahlan Arabic fans! Today I am presenting a translation exercise. We are going to read a short article by one of the famous Arab writers. The article will be in Arabic and you are going to test your Arabic reading skill and translate the article into English. Of course I will post the…

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A great poem from Turkish Posted by on Jun 9, 2010

A couple of years ago, I came across a lovely poem in Arabic, but it was written originally in Turkish, by a famous Turkish poet called Nâzım Hikmet who was also a playwright and a novelist. He was born on January 15, 1902 to a rich Turkish family, but he was imprisoned for his communist…

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