Arabic Language Blog

Tag Archives: Comprehension

Reading Comprehension Exercise: World Teachers’ Day Posted by on Oct 29, 2013

   اِقــرأ الـقــطـــعــــة  الـتــالــيـــة ثــم أجـــب عـــن الأســئــلـــــــة Read the and following passage and then answer the questions:       فــِــي جــَــمــيــع أنــْـــحـــَــــاءِ الـعــَــالــَــمْ ، يــُـــوَفـــِّـــرُ الـتــَّــعــْـــلــيـــمُ الــجــَـــيــّــدُ الأمــَـــلَ والـوَعــَـــدَ بــِــمــُـــســْــــتـــَــــوى مــَـــعـــِـــيـــشـــَـــةٍ أفـــْـــضـــَــــلَ . و مــَـــعَ ذلـِـكَ ، فــَــلــَـــيــْــسَ مــِــنَ الـمـُــمـْــكـِــنِ أنْ يــَـــكــُـــونَ هــُــنــَـــاكَ تــَــعــْــلــيــمٌ جــَــيــّـــدٌ بــِــدُون وُجــُـــودِ مــُــعــَـــلــِّــمــيــنَ مــُــخــْـــلــِــصــيــنَ ومــُــؤَهــَّــلــِــيــنَ .       والــمــُــعــَـــلـــّــمــُـــونَ هــُـــمْ أحــَــدِ…

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Arab Women Film-makers In the Spotlight Again Posted by on Apr 9, 2013

Marhaba (مرحبا)! I hope you found the excerpt from the article I discussed in the previous post interesting and useful. I am confident you have all worked hard to answer the questions. After presenting you with the answers and the translation of some key words, I have added two YouTube videos that portray the work…

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Why do we find Arab Women Film-makers In the Spotlight Again? Posted by on Apr 8, 2013

Marhaba (مرحبا)! In this post, I am sharing an important and new article about Arab women film-makers and the obstacles they have surmounted to discuss more social issues like inequality, oppression and corruption. In a nutshell and not to spoil the message behind the article, these courageous Arabic Women Film-makers are gaining the spotlight following…

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A Diplomatic Clash between Egypt and Cyprus Posted by on Jan 3, 2013

Ahlan wa Sahlan 2013!! We are already two days in the new year!! Time really flies. I hope you had time to work on your New Year Resolutions! The important thing is that you strive to meet your goals and work hard on keeping your resolutions!! I know I will be working hard to keep…

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