Arabic Language Blog

Tag Archives: Exercise

The most expensive Christmas tree Posted by on Dec 28, 2015

In this post, I present a listening comprehension exercise on the most expensive Christmas tree in the world. Listen to the report and answer the questions that follow. If you need help with vocabulary, check the end of the post. Answer the following questions in English: 1- Where is the most expensive Christmas tree displayed?…

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Case marking exercise Posted by on Nov 20, 2015

Hi everyone! In this post, I present an exercise that aims to revise your information about the case marking system (الإعراب). Case marking is the system by which special endings are added to words to mark their function or position in the sentence. Now, read the text below and add the appropriate ending to the…

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Listening comprehension in Arabic Posted by on May 29, 2015

In this post, I present a listening comprehension exercise. Listen to the report below and answer the questions that follow. If you need help with vocabulary, you can refer to the useful vocabulary list below.   Answer the following questions in Arabic: ما اسم ناطحة السحاب الجديدة؟ أين شيدت ناطحة السحاب الجديدة؟ من الذي حضر…

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Listening comprehension – Ebola Outbreak Posted by on Aug 19, 2014

In this post, I present a listening comprehension exercise on the topic of the outbreak of Ebola in Western Africa. You can use the vocabulary list provided to assist you with understanding the passage. Listen to the news report and answer the questions that follow.   Questions: How does the WHO describe the spread of…

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Reading comprehension exercise Posted by on Apr 23, 2014

  Read the article and answer the questions that follow. You can use the useful vocabulary section to help you understand the information presented. الرجال “يعزفون” عن قراءة الكتب ويفضلون مشاهدة التلفاز والإنترنت يفضل الرجال مشاهدة الأفلام المقتبسة من كتب على قراءة الرواية الأصلية، وفقا لدراسة جديدة أظهرت أن العكس صحيح بالنسبة للسيدات. وتوصل باحثون…

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Go Out and Try One of these 8 Fun Things during Spring Posted by on Apr 22, 2013

Marhaba (مرحبا)! In spring (الربيع), across different places in the world, one could see blossoming flowers (أزهار تَتَفتَّح), listen to chirping and singing birds (عصافير تُزَقزِق), and feel the beaming sun (الشّمس تشرق)! The end of the winter season marks the beginning of the spring season that calls for outdoor activities (نشاطات خارجية) that can…

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