Arabic Language Blog

Tag Archives: Grammatical Terms

The Verbal Sentence (Part 5) – The Passive Subject Posted by on Apr 25, 2014

    We are going to continue our study of the Verbal Sentence الـجـمـلــة الـفـعـلـيـــة . We have already discussed the Verb in more detail and the Subject or doer of the verb. We have also started discussing the subject-verb agreement; how the verb looks like with different subjects. All that was in the active…

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Inna and Sisters (Part 1) Posted by on May 29, 2012

   Inna and Sisters إنَّ و أخــواتــهــــــــا  (Part 1)  We are still dealing with the Arabic grammar, sailing farther and deeper everyday. In some earlier  post, we have summed up all about the Nominal Sentence. In another, we studied the verbs of Kana / Kada and their sisters and the effect they do to the Mubtada…

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