Tag Archives: Syrian recipe
Mutabbal, the Syrian Recipe Posted by aziza on Apr 21, 2017

In a previous post, I presented the recipe for the Egyptian style Mutabbal (المتبل). Today, I present the recipe for Mutabbal (المتبل), the Syrian way. The video and photo are from Sham Al-Assil channel (شام الاصيل). المقادير: 2 حبة باذنجان كبير للشوي 1 كوب لبن زبادي ½ كوب طحينة 3 ملاعق كبار بقدونس مفروم ناعم…
Baba Ghanouj, the Syrian Recipe Posted by aziza on Apr 17, 2017

In a previous post, I presented the recipe for the Egyptian style Baba Ghanouj (بابا غنوج), which is based on aubergine and tahini. Today, I present the recipe for Baba Ghanouj, the Syrian way. The video and photo are from Sham Al-Assil channel (شام الاصيل). المقادير: 2 حبة باذنجان كبير للشوي 3 ملاعق كبيرة فلفل…