Tag Archives: word formation
Word-formation in Arabic: Blending in Egyptian Dialect Posted by Ibnulyemen اِبْنُ اليَمَن on Feb 13, 2018

Colloquial use of Arabic is associated with mistakes in grammar, pronunciation, and word-formation. This is not new; it’s been around since the early days of Islam, mainly in the speech of non-Arabs. It first emerged in the wrong assignment of final diacritical marks, that is parsing or I‘raab إِعْرَاب. Except for borrowed words, colloquial usage…
Fisal’s Dictionary: /da.ra.sa/ Posted by Fisal on May 22, 2016
Ahlan, Arabic lovers! Today, we are going to go on a journey to the depths of the Arabic Dictionary in order to discover some of its secrets. We will dig deep into the root verb دَرَسَ /da.ra.sa/ (to Study) and explore some of its derivatives and idiomatic expressions. Get a deep breath and…
Fisal’s Dictionary: /da.ra.ba/ Posted by Fisal on Mar 10, 2016
Ahlan, Arabic lovers! Today, we are going to go on a journey to the depths of the Arabic Dictionary in order to discover some of its secrets. We will dig deep into the root verb ضــَــرَبَ /da.ra.ba/ and explore some of its derivatives and idiomatic expressions. Get a deep breath and let’s dive!…
Word formation in Arabic Posted by aziza on Jun 22, 2009
Morphology or word formation is a very powerful concept in Arabic, and if a learner knows the word-formation rules in Arabic, he/she will find it very helpful in their future learning. Arabic is a highly derivational language, i.e. you can make words from the same root by using different forms. In English, for example, we…