Today, we are going to go on a journey to the depths of the Arabic Dictionary to discover some of its secrets. We will look up the root verb ظهرَ and explore some of its derivatives.
* ظهَرَ [V. I.] = to appear or become clear and visible.
Ex. – ظهرَ المُمَثلُ على خشبة المسرح = The actor appeared on the stage.
* ظهَرَ + على [Ph.V.] = To overcome an enemy.
Ex. –ظهَرَ الجيشُ على العدو = The army overcame the enemy.
* ظُهُور [N. U.] = uncovering of something / appearance
Ex. – اندهشتُ لِظهُور القمر نهاراً
= I felt surprised because of the appearance of the moon during the day. َ
* أظهَرَ [V. T.] = to show (something).
Ex. –أظهَرَ الفيديو الحقيقة = The video showed the reality.
* إظهار [N. U.] = the act of showing or explaining something.
* تظاهرَ [V. I.] = to demonstrate.
Ex. – تظاهرَ الكثيرُ من الشباب اليوم = Many young people demonstrated today.
* مُتظاهِر [N. C.] = demonstrator / The person who demonstrates. Pl. متظاهرون or متظاهرين
Ex. – تجمّع المتظاهرون حول البيت الأبيض
= The demonstrators gathered around the White House.
* مُظاهرة [N. C.] = demonstration. Pl. مُظاهرات
Ex. – زادت المظاهرات قبل الثورة
= The demonstrations increased before the revolution.
* استظهَرَ [V. T.] = to learn (something) by heart / to memorize (something).
Ex. – استظهرَ محمدٌ القصيدةَ = Muhammad memorized the poem.
* الظّاهِرُ [N.] = The Manifest One (an attribute of Allah)
* ظاهِرة [N. C.] = phenomenon. Pl. ظـواهـِـر
Ex. – الاحتباسُ الحراريُ ظاهرةٌ خطيرةٌ = Global warming is a dangerous phenomenon.
* ظـَـهْـرُ [N. C.] = 1- The back of anything. Pl. أظهُر or ظُهُور
2- Any of the animals that are used for carrying people or things.
* الظـُهْرُ [N. U.] = Noontime
* الظـَّهـيـرة [N. U.] = Noontime.
(Note: N.=Noun /C.= Countable / U.= Uncountable / V.= Verb / Ph. V. = Phrasal Verb / Adj.= Adjective / Adv.= Adverb / Prep.=Preposition / Pl.= Plural)
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