Traveler’s Guide to the Arab World: Learn The 27 Must Know Arabic Phrases Posted by jesa on Jun 27, 2015 in Arabic Language, Culture
Marhaba! Over the past weeks, I have shared the most common Arabic phrases that you will need during your stay in any beautiful city in the Arab world. You have learned how to get to your hotel from the airport and then check in; how to dine and order food in a restaurant; how to visit a museum; and how to shop for a particular item. Today, I want to go over all these phrases to provide them to you all Arabic lovers in a one concise post that you can memorize, practice, and confidently use in your next journey to an Arab state. I have also translated and transliterated each and every phrase for your kind convenience.
6 Must Know Phrases for Traveling and Checking in a Hotel
1) Greetings, excuse me, where can I get find taxis?
مرحبا, من فضلك, أين ممكن أن أجد سيارة أجرة؟
Mar-ha-ba, min fad-lak, ay-na mum-kin an ajid sayya-rat uj-ra.
2) Hello, I need you to take me to my hotel, which is located in Beirut near the American University of Beirut. Thank you.
مرحبا, من فضلك أريد الوصول الى الفندق الواقع في بيروت قرب الجامعة الاميركية. شكراً
Mar-ha-ba, min fad-lak u-reed al-wu-sul ila al-fun-duq al-wa-qih fi bay-rut qurb al-ja-mi-a al-ame-ri-ki-ya. Shuk-ran.
3) Greetings, I have a reservation for a double room under the name Amin.
مرحبا, لدي حجز لغرفة مزدوجة تحت اسم أمين
Mar-ha-ba, la-da-ya ha-jiz li-ghur-fa muz-da-wi-ja tah-ta is-im Amin.
4) I believe my room includes breakfast for two. Please, could you tell me when does breakfast begin and end every day?
أعتقد أن غرفتي تشمل وجبة فطور لشخصين. من فضلك, ممكن أن تعلمني متى يبدأ الفطور وينتهي كل يوم؟
Aa-ta-qid an-na ghur-fa-ti tash-mal waj-bat fu-tur li-shakh-sayn. Min fad-lak, mum-kin an tu-li-ma-ni ma-ta yab-da al-fu-tur wa yan-ta-hi kul yawm?
5) Could you please schedule a wake up call at 7.30 AM tomorrow? My wife and I have a long day of sightseeing.
من فضلك, ممكن تدوين منبه للنهوض من خلال مكالمة غداً الساعة السابعة والنصف صباحاً؟ أنا وزوجتي لدينا يوم سياحة طويل
Min fad-lak, mum-kin tad-ween mu-na-bih lil-nu-hud min khi-lal mu-ka-la-ma gha-dan al-sa-a al-sa-bi-a wa al-nu-sif sa-ba-han? Ana wa zaw-ja-ti la-day-na yawm si-ya-hi ta-wil.
6) Thank you for all the help.
أمين: شكراً على كل مساعدتك
Shuk-ran ala kul mu-sa-a-da-tak.
6 Must Know Phrases for Dining at a Restaurant
1) Greetings, my wife and I would like a nice table by the window please.
مرحبا, زوجتي وأنا نريد طاولة جميلة بالقرب من النافظة
Marhaba, zawjati wa ana nureed tawila jamila bil-qurb min al-nafitha.
2) I will have water please. Thank you.
ماء من فضلك. شكراً
Maa min fadlak, shukran.
3) We are ready to order. I will have the chicken shawarma platter with French fries and garlic paste. Thank you.
نحن جاهزون. أريد من فضلك طبق شاورما الدجاج مع البطاطا المقلية والثوم. شكراً
Ureed min fadlak tabaq shawarma al-dajaj ma al-batata al-maqliya wa al-thum. Shukran.
4) Could you I please have two baklava pieces?
من فضلك, ممكن قطعتين من البقلاوى
Min fadlak, mumkin qit’atayn min al-baklawa.
5) Could we please have the bill?
من فضلك الحساب
Min fadlak al-hisab.
6) Thanks for the excellent food and service.
شكراً على الطعام والخدمة الممتازة
Shukran ala al-ta’am wa al-khidma al-mumtaza.
8 Must Know Phrases for Visiting a Museum
1) Greetings. Do you know how I can get to the national museum?
مرحبا. هل تعرف كيف أصل الى المتحف الوطني؟
Marhaba. Hal ta’rif kayf asil ila al-mathaf al-watani?
2) Greetings. How much is the entry ticket to the museum and exhibits?
مرحبا. بكم بطاقة الدخول الى المتحف والمعارض؟
Marhaba. Bikam bitaqat al-dukhul ila al-mathaf wa al-ma’arid?
3) Why time does the museum close?
أي ساعة يغلق المتحف؟
Ay sa’a yughlaq al-mathaf?
4) Are we allowed to take any pictures?
مسموح أخذ الصور؟
Masmuh akhth al-suwar?
5) Do you have any tour guides?
هل لديكم مرشد سياحي؟
Hal ladaykom murshid siyahi?
6) Do these tour guides speak English and Arabic?
هل يتكلم المرشدون الانكليزية والعربية؟
Hal yatakalam al-murshidun al-inkliziya wa al-arabiya?
7) Do you have a souvenir shop?
هل لديكم متجر تذكارات؟
Hal ladaykum matjar tithkarat?
8) Thank you so much. We are glad that we were able to visit this museum.
شكراً جزيلاً. نحن سعداء اننا قمنا بزيارة هذا المتحف
Shukran jazilan. Nahnu su’ada anana qumna bi-ziyarat hatha al-mathaf.
7 Must Know Phrases for Shopping
1) I am looking for a black bag.
أبحث عن حقيبة سوداء
Abhath an haqiba sawda.
2) Which is the newest and most popular with customers?
أي منها الاجد والاكثر شائع مع الزبائن؟
Ay minha al-ajad wa-al-akthar shai’ ma al-zabain.
3) Ok, I want to buy this one please.
حسناً. أريد شراء هذا من فضلك
Hasanan. Ureed shira hatha min fadlak.
4) How much does this item cost?
بكم هذا الغرض؟
Bikam hatha al-gharad?
5) Do you have any discounts for travelers?
هل لديك أي خصم للمسافرين؟
Hal ladayka khasim lil-musafireen?
6) Excellent, that is good news. Great bargain. Thank you.
ممتاز! خبر جيد. صفقة رابحة. شكراَ
Mumtaz! Khabar jayid.
7) Thanks for your kind help.
شكراً على مساعدتك الطيبة
Shukran ala musa’adatuka al-tayiba.
For now take care and stay tuned for upcoming posts!
Happy Learning!
Have a nice day!!
نهاركم سعيد

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About the Author: jesa
Salam everyone! Born as an American to two originally Arab parents, I have been raised and have spent most of my life in Beirut, Lebanon. I have lived my good times and my bad times in Beirut. I was but a young child when I had to learn to share my toys and food with others as we hid from bombs and fighting during the Lebanese Civil War. I feel my connection to Arabic as both a language and culture is severing and so it is with you, my readers and fellow Arabic lovers, and through you that I wish to reestablish this connection by creating one for you.
Nice phrases, but I like it to have them in the Egyptian dialect. Is that possible? شكراً
Mentors Linguist:
This is absolutely brilliant! Where else can we find such comprehensive details of the mostly used Arabic phrases while travelling? Great help and all in one place! It’s like a mini course. Thank you so much!
Salam! I am glad you found this post interesting and useful. my goal was to provide you all with a ‘mini course’