Chinese Language Blog

Archive by Author

Foundations of the PRC – Part One Posted by on Oct 6, 2010

In a country with a history as long as China’s, how is it that this nation just celebrated its 61st birthday on October 1?  While China’s history goes back thousands of years, the modern day China, known as the People’s Republic of China (中华人民共和国 – Zhōng huá rén mín gòng hé guó) was officially founded…

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Golden Week Travels (黄金周旅游) Posted by on Oct 3, 2010

Greetings from Hohhot (呼和浩特 – hū hé hào tè), the capital city of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (内蒙古自治区 – nèi méng gǔ zì zhì qū).  Seeing as how it is the autumn edition of Golden Week (黄金周 – huáng jīn zhōu), it was time to get out of the big city for a change…

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Wangfujing Night Market (王府井夜市) Posted by on Sep 30, 2010

Located just east of Tian’an Men Square, Wang Fu Jing is a hot-spot for fun, shopping, and of course, eating in Beijing. Huge shopping malls and small souvenir stands line the streets, selling everything you could imagine (and then some).  After 5 p.m., the night market comes to life.  Here, you can enjoy tons of…

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Two Very Important Characters Posted by on Sep 27, 2010

大家好, While I was hoping to bring you an exciting new video today, computer problems have made that impossible.  Apparently, I have overworked my Mac Book over the last two years, and as such it is currently being repaired.  Unfortunately, that leaves me without my beloved Final Cut Pro for the time being, which means…

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Chinese Valentine’s Day/Night of Sevens Festival (七夕节) Posted by on Sep 18, 2010

On the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, China celebrates 七夕节. These days, it is celebrated as a Chinese Valentine’s Day, with flowers, chocolates, and all. However, the history of the holiday is much more than a simple box of chocolates. Learn about the old story and some of the modern day customs in…

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Some More Review Posted by on Sep 14, 2010

The new semester (学期 – xué qí) has started for schools here in Beijing, and that means this teacher is very busy (很忙 – hěn máng).  I’ll be running all over this city, as I’m working at a Korean high school and two Chinese middle schools, in addition to private lessons.  This back to school…

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Zhang Bei Grasslands Music Festival (张北草原音乐节) Part Two – Heavy Metal French Fries Posted by on Sep 9, 2010

When we last saw our 老外 heroes, they had just set up camp and were ready to rock and roll at the 2nd Annual In Music Festival.  Having met some super cool next door neighbors (隔壁邻居 – gé bì lín jū) at their campsite, our heroes embark on an epic weekend of music and fun. …

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