Chinese Language Blog

Archive by Author

Zhang Bei Grasslands Music Festival (张北草原音乐节) Part One – Getting Out of the Smog and Into the Countryside Posted by on Sep 6, 2010

After our ridiculously difficult journey to the Yi Xian Festival in May, you’d think we would have been turned off by the prospect of once again heading out into the middle of nowhere China for a music festival.  Well, you’d be wrong, because one late July weekend, we decided to do just that.  As is…

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A Little Bit of Review Posted by on Sep 4, 2010

Having already posted six videos to the blog, I think it’s best that I take some time to go over the vocabulary and sentence structures that were introduced in said videos.  When studying a foreign language, it’s a good idea to go over your classes (复习功课 – fù xí gōng kè) every so often to…

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Summer in Beijing is Too Much Fun (北京的夏天是太有意思了) Posted by on Aug 31, 2010

With the summer winding down, I felt the urge to share some more of the many great summer activities available in and around Beijing for my last post of August.  For this video, follow me through some of Beijing’s local parks, a water park, and head out to the Yellow Sea to enjoy the warm…

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Yi Xian Camping Music Festival (易县露营音乐节) Part 2 – We are Rockstars (我们是摇滚明星) Posted by on Aug 23, 2010

When we last saw them, our 老外 heroes had finally arrived at their desired destination – the Yi Xian Camping Music Festival.  Despite the fact that they had just endured a lengthy, exhausting, frustrating journey, they were in high spirits and were ready to experience their first ever Chinese music festival.  We now find our…

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Temple Hopping in Beijing (雍和宮, 孔庙) Posted by on Aug 19, 2010

Before I get to my latest video post, I wanted to make a comment about how I’ve been introducing vocabulary in my posts.  As I’m sure some of you have noticed, I recently changed the way I do this.  From now on, I will highlight an English word, phrase, or sentence in bold, and then…

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Yi Xian Camping Music Festival (易县露营音乐节) Part 1 – Travel Troubles (旅行的麻烦) Posted by on Aug 15, 2010

As promised in my last post, here is the ridiculous story of my journey to the Yi Xian Camping Music Festival: Having been back in Beijing for almost two months, I started to feel like I was trapped in the concrete jungle.  With the May Day Holiday (五一节 – wǔ yī jié) approaching, I was…

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Music Festivals in China (中国音乐节) Posted by on Aug 11, 2010

Back home in 美国, one of my favorite things to do every summer is going to a music festival (音乐节 – yīn yuè jié) with a group of friends.  In fact, between 2003 and 2009, I attended over 30 such events, from Camp Bisco in upstate New York, to Langerado in southern Florida, to Bonnaroo…

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