Chinese Language Blog

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All About Dumplings Posted by on Jun 16, 2016

Over my 5+ years of living in China, I was often asked about what I missed from home. Aside from the obvious family and friends, food and drink always popped up in the discussion. When I first got to Beijing in 2008, I definitely found myself missing craft beer and certain comfort foods from home…

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Beijing to Kunming (Part Two) Posted by on Jun 15, 2016

For Part Two of our train journey across China, we hit a few more provincial capitals. Explore a scenic area and eat spicy food in Changsha, hang out in the parks and squares of Guiyang, and finally take a hike and rock out in Kunming.

Beijing to Kunming (Part One) Posted by on Jun 13, 2016

Riding the train is the best way to travel China, especially if you want to do an epic trip like go from Beijing to Kunming. Rather than sit on the train for two days straight, hop off in a few provincial capitals along the way. In Part One of the video series, we explore Beijing…

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Beijing to Kunming By Train Posted by on Jun 8, 2016

If you enjoy traveling by train, China is a country that should be high atop your list. While the US technically has a larger rail network than China, a majority of the lines are used for freight. When it comes to moving passengers around, China blows the US out of the water. China’s railways delivered nearly…

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My Neighborhood in Chinese Posted by on Jun 6, 2016

A great way to start building your vocabulary and practice talking about places and directions is to introduce your neighborhood (邻里 – lín lǐ) or community (社区 – shè qū; 小区 – xiǎo qū). If you live in a Chinese city, your neighborhood is most likely a very busy place, with all sorts of shops, businesses…

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Real Chinese Food Recap Posted by on Jun 2, 2016

Over the past few months, I’ve been introducing real Chinese food here on the blog. It should come as no surprise that the Panda Express or New Dynasty Buffet in your neighborhood isn’t exactly cooking up authentic Chinese cuisine, but rather a westernized version of it. Not everyone has the opportunity to actually travel to…

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Music Genres in Chinese Posted by on May 26, 2016

Music (音乐 – yīn yuè) is a huge part of my life. From playing cello, percussion, and guitar through my school years, to following my favorite bands around the country, to attending music festivals in the US, China, and Indonesia, music has always played an important role in my life. How about you? Do you…

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