Chinese Language Blog

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Haba – A Village in the Clouds Posted by on Dec 6, 2015

After exploring the ancient town of Lijiang and tackling the epic Tiger Leaping Gorge hike, our journey through northern Yunnan province rolled on with a stop in a small mountainous village. The point of stopping in Haba village (哈巴村 – hǎ bā cūn) was to recuperate a bit from the exhausting hike, and also to visit…

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Macau – Old and New Posted by on Dec 2, 2015

Explore both the old and new sides of Macau in this short video, featuring churches, gardens, and the massive casinos that has made the city famous as the “Vegas of the Orient.”

A Common Chinese Menu Posted by on Nov 30, 2015

When I first got to China with zero Chinese abilities to speak of, I quickly realized that it was going to be difficult to eat. In most restaurants, the menu lacks pictures or English translations. Plus, oftentimes when there is some English on the menu, it is totally incomprehensible. What exactly are you going to…

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Culture Shock in China – Face Posted by on Nov 25, 2015

It’s been quite a while since our last post about Culture Shock in China, so here’s a quick recap with the links of the previous posts for those who missed out: Food/Dining Out Drinking Apartments Bathrooms Getting Around Today, I’ll dive into one aspect of Chinese culture that has always been hard for me to…

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Historical Center of Macau Video Tour Posted by on Nov 24, 2015

Exploring South China - Macau and Zhuhai

Macau is famous primarily for being the “Vegas of the Orient,” but there’s a lot more to this former Portuguese colony than just casinos. Explore the city’s historical center in this short video featuring Senado Square, the Ruins of St. Paul’s, and the Museum of Macau.

Macau – A Tale of Two Cities Posted by on Nov 23, 2015

We recently introduced the Special Administrative Region of Macau, dubbed the “Vegas of the Orient” for its abundance of casinos that bring busloads of mainland tourists in every day to try their luck at the only place with legal gambling in China. Although Macau is best-known for these massive casinos, there’s a whole other side…

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Better Know a… SAR (Macau) Posted by on Nov 18, 2015

We’re getting to know all corners of China in our “Better Know a…” series. Today, we head to one of just three Special Administrative Regions (SAR), as we visit Macau (澳门 – Ào mén). Perhaps most famous around the world as the “Vegas of Asia,” there’s a lot more to Macau than just casinos. History During…

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