Archive by Author
Another Pizza Hunt Posted by Transparent Language on Oct 24, 2009
I thought that I had left long pizza searches back in Beijing, but I guess that the fates had another plan for me. I saw an online listing showing where to find the previously-mentioned Shenzhen pizza place in person, so I 记好了 (wrote down) the place’s phone number. It wasn’t until I was in a…
Health Inspection Posted by Transparent Language on Oct 22, 2009
The other day I went to a hospital for a 体检 (health inspection) which is part of the application process for a 居留证 (residence permit). The first step included going to the hospital and 填表 (filling in a form) regarding basic health information, and the bottom of the form has a part where you have…
Stocks! Posted by Transparent Language on Oct 19, 2009
Hello readers! Have you ever invested in China before? Maybe you’ve heard about the recent 轮胎关税 (tire tariffs) issue. To be sure, a lot of people are investing here. Some people buy shares in an 指数基金 (index fund), while others dream of one day running their own 私募 (private equity) venture. Take a good long…
HK Again Posted by Transparent Language on Oct 17, 2009
Today I went to HK in search of 壶铃 (kettlebells) at one store and imported 辣椒酱 (hot sauce) of a particular brand at another. While I ended up searching for the kettlebells on 淘宝 (Taobao, an online Chinese retailer), I’m still happy to have made the effort to look. I was able to find some…
Pizza Is Never On Time Posted by Transparent Language on Oct 13, 2009
For those who remember the entry where I spent an hour looking for a pizza place in Beijing, the hunt is on again in Shenzhen. There is a great pizza place here run by a 华裔 (overseas Chinese – in this case ABC) from New York- rather than a 海归 (Chinese returned from abroad) or…
Back to Shenzhen Posted by Transparent Language on Oct 11, 2009
I got back to Shenzhen from Beijing, and found myself coming down with some 水土不服 (stomach problems)- I surmise that I was somewhat 不习惯 (unaccustomed) to the dietary changes from the wedding and being up north, but I drank plenty of 热水 (hot water) and 粥 (rice porridge) to aid my recovery. I’m still waiting…
Leaving Beijing Posted by Transparent Language on Oct 8, 2009
When I was moving out of my apartment in Beijing, I felt a strong sense of 留恋 (reluctance to leave) as I reflected over 喜怒哀乐 (all [the] types of emotions) that had taken place in that room. When my landlord talked about 补偿 (compensation) from ending the contract early, I had feared that he was…