Tag Archives: Chinese superstitions
Most Popular Posts of 2017 Posted by sasha on Dec 28, 2017

Can you believe we’re about to say goodbye to 2017 and hello to 2018? Time flies (时间飞逝 – shí jiān fēi shì)! The end of the year is always a great time to reflect on the past and look forward to the future. We love looking at the year-end stats and seeing which posts were…
Spring Festival (春节) Posted by sasha on Feb 10, 2013
Tomorrow is the official start of the Spring Festival, China’s longest and most important holiday. As China follows the lunar calendar, the Spring Festival is also known as Chinese New Year. The madness of the chun yun travel rush is still going on, but most people should already be home by now. Today, on New…
Very Superstitious Posted by sasha on Feb 18, 2012
Every culture has its own unique superstitions (迷信 – mí xìn), and China is no different. Chinese culture is rich in beliefs, customs, and superstitions that vary greatly from those in the West. Let’s take a look at some of these, and how they will bring you either good luck or bad luck. Numbers In…
Spring Festival Superstitions and Traditions Posted by sasha on Jan 21, 2012
When the Spring Festival rolls around, there’s a lot to be done. As this festival lasts for 15 days, there’s something different for each day, and preparations for the celebration begin weeks before the actual festival. Let’s learn about some of the superstitions and traditions associated with the most important Chinese holiday. Superstitions Leading up…