Danish Language Blog

Season of Fruits and Colours Posted by on Oct 27, 2012 in Uncategorized

The word efterår (autumn/fall) may sound a bit sad or melankolsk in Danish, as the name of the season following sommer and preceding vinter literally means ”after-year”. (On a more optimistic note, spring is forår, ’fore-year’.) But don’t let the language fool you – in spite of less dagslys [DOWslees] (daylight) and falling temperatures, autumn is an incredibly smuk årstid (beautiful season) in Denmark, full of farver (colours) and frugter (fruits).

September and oktober are perfect months for the activity called at gå en tur i skoven (to take a stroll in the forest/woods). Danish skov/e (forest/s) are usually very fredelig (peaceful) – you can bring your children without fearing attacks from vilde dyr (wild animals). (The foxes and deer are afraid of you!) Most forests are tended by foresters from the local kommune (municipality), and have excellent sti/er (path/s) for walking or running or riding your mountainbike (mountain bike). The majority of Danish towns and villages provide nearby access to at least a minor skov. It’s an excellent opportunity to get some motion [moshON] (exercise) and frisk luft (fresh air) with your familie or alene (on your own).

While sweating your way through naturen (”the Nature”), you should take your time to enjoy the sight of the trækroner (tree crowns) with their gule, røde og orange blade (yellow, red and orange leaves – mind the plural adjectives). If you’re lucky, you’ll see them in all their splendour against a profoundly blå himmel (blue sky).

Jorden (the earth, the soil) has its surprises too. All of a sudden you stumble upon bær (berries) and svampe (mushrooms). Please don’t pick anything you’re not sure of – a mushroom like rød fluesvamp (fly amanita, literally ’red fly-mushroom’) is lethal.

Forsigtig! Careful with these!

In september, Danish gardens are full of æbler (apples), blommer (plums) and other kinds of fruit (the red hyben, rose hips, are beautiful and make an excellent marmalade). Now in late oktober, most of the fruits are gone from the træer og buske (trees and shrubs). Fortunately, many butikker (shops) still sell yummy, juicy, sweet and plain delicious Danish æbler. 🙂

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About the Author: Bjørn A. Bojesen

I was born in Denmark, but spent large parts of my childhood and study years in Norway. I later returned to Denmark, where I finished my MA in Scandinavian Studies. Having relatives in Sweden as well, I feel very Scandinavian! I enjoy reading and travelling, and sharing stories with you! You’re always welcome to share your thoughts with me and the other readers.