As 2012 is slipping away, it’s time to set the record straight for 2013! 🙂 Many people are making nytårsforsætter (et nytårsforsæt in the singular), or New Year’s resolutions, about things to improve or achieve during the upcoming year. I asked some family members and friends about their nytårsforsætter:
- at leve sundt (to live healthy)
- at begynde at træne (to start training)
- at snakke pænt til konen (to talk nice to the wife)
- at læse mere (to read more)
- at starte et nyt og bedre liv (to start a new and better life)
- at rydde op (to tidy up)
- at lave færre overspringshandlinger (to do fewer displacement activities)
- at bruge mere tid til at være social på Facebook (to spend more time being social on Facebook)
- at læse færre netaviser (to read fewer online newspapers)
- at bygge en garage (to build a garage)
- at holde op med at ryge (to quit smoking)
- at lave flere lektier (to do more homework)
- at dyrke mere sport (to do more sport)
What are your resolutions for 2013?
Godt nytår!
Fun fact for language geeks: In Denmark, many think that the word for new year’s resolution is actually ”nytårsfortsæt”, which means ”new year’s continue” (fortsæt)!