Dutch Language Blog

Archive for June, 2011

A Day Trip to Texel Posted by on Jun 28, 2011

Two weekends ago, I had the opportunity to visit Texel, an island in the Netherlands.  Texel is the biggest and most populated of the Frisian Islands. The weather was not looking promising as we headed off for Den Helder, where we would take the double-decker ferry across to the island.  But our guide had assured…

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Asking for Directions in Dutch: Phrases Posted by on Jun 23, 2011

Goede Avond TL Dutch readers! I hope that you are doing well and that your Dutch studies this week have been moving ahead at full speed.  Last week we looked at some Dutch vocabulary and some Dutch verbs.  Today we will move onto phrases you might use when asking or giving directions. Starting Out When…

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Verbs Used When Giving Directions Posted by on Jun 16, 2011

How are you getting on with the vocabulary I introduced in my last post?  Hopefully you have been trying out some of the techniques that I suggested (and some of your own) and are making some steady progress.  Stick with it, I promise it will be worth it in the end.  Today we are going…

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Asking for Directions in Dutch: Vocabulary Posted by on Jun 14, 2011

One of the most handy things to be able to understand and talk about in a foreign language is how to get somewhere.  It’s practical (you aren’t learning how to say your job is a rocket scientist/ballerina/astronaut when you clearly aren’t), concrete (there is a clear sequence to the conversation) and useful (hey, we all…

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The White Bicycles of De Hoge Veluwe Posted by on Jun 7, 2011

If you have ever visited the national park, De Hoge Veluwe, you may have noticed a plethora of white bikes around.  Bicycles in the Netherlands are of course not an unusual sight but the white bikes of De Hoge Veluwe are a bit special. In total, there are 1,700 white bikes in the park…

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