Archive for September, 2018
Who is Glennis Grace from America’s Got Talent? Posted by Karoly Molina on Sep 26, 2018

There has been a lot of talk in the Netherlands about Glennis Grace’s appearance on America’s Got Talent, but who is she and how did she make it to the famous American show? Solo Career Glennis Grace began her singing career quite young. She competed in numerous singing contests including Soundmixshow in 1994 and Eurovision 2005, and…
So What Was Said During Prince’s Day? Posted by Karoly Molina on Sep 19, 2018

Yesterday was a big day in regards to fashion and economic policy in the Netherlands. During Prinsjesdag 2018, King Willem Alexander presented the cabinet’s plans for the upcoming year with important information about budgets and finances. Below the highlights of the events. History Prinsjesdag began in early 1800, and takes place on the third Tuesday in September…
What You MUST Know About Dutch Train Stations (pt. 2) Posted by Sten on Sep 17, 2018

Last week, we looked at everything you need to know about Dutch train stations. Since there was so much to know, I decided to break it up in two parts, to make it easier digestible. Today, we will look a bit more at tickets and the infamous OV-chipkaart. In- en uitchecken The OV-chipkaart… We need to briefly…
What You MUST Know About Dutch Train Stations (pt. 1) Posted by Sten on Sep 10, 2018

We have written about Dutch trains before, about the experience of treinen (traveling by train) and we have given extensive vocabulary. However, we have never really discussed treinstations (train stations) and what peculiar things you can find there. I definitely recommend checking out the other two posts first, as they give some important information I will not explain again…
5 Useful Dutch Phrases to Stand Up for Yourself Posted by Karoly Molina on Sep 5, 2018

We’ve all gone through the awful experience of someone being rude to us, and for some reason, we choke up on what to say. Later on, we torture ourselves with all we could have said. When you live (or visit) in a foreign language, these episodes can be more common. What do you say to…
When Do You Go To School in the Netherlands? Posted by Sten on Sep 4, 2018

It is the beginning of september: The summer is nearing its end, temperatures fall, days get shorter… And it is time to go back to school! But for everyone? No. Or, not yet… How does it work in the Netherlands, when do kids start going to school? Let’s find out. We have written about the…