Archive for December, 2021
The Jaaroverzicht – Here’s How the Dutch Look Back On 2021 Posted by Sten on Dec 31, 2021

2021 – Perhaps not the best year we had. But as every year, there are hoogte- en dieptepunten (ups and downs). And a jaaroverzicht (“year overview”, a end-of-year review) is a great way to reflect on the year to see this stuff. And the Dutch? Well, they enjoy doing that, too! Here are a few jaaroverzichten that…
The Dutch Word of the Year: Prikspijt! Posted by Sten on Dec 27, 2021

We’re nearing the end of the year, so it’s time to talk about the word of the year again! Every year, the woordenboek (dictionary) publisher Van Dale organizes the vote for the Woord van het Jaar, and everybody can vote on their favorite word from a list of candidates. This year’s: Prikspijt! (“jab regret”, regret over getting…
What do the Dutch do for Christmas? Posted by Sten on Dec 24, 2021

It’s Christmas Eve! An exciting time in many places in the world, including in the Netherlands. While Christmas is not celebrated in the same way as it is in some other countries, it’s still a very significant holiday. What to do? The Dutch have plenty of important holidays and traditions, such as Sinterklaas on December…
Why Do The Dutch Have A Pyramid? Boredom, Actually. Posted by Sten on Dec 16, 2021

When you think of pyramides (pyramids), you probably think about hot deserts, scorching heat and merchants on camelback with the majestic structures in the background. So when I tell you that there’s a pyramid in the Netherlands, you probably think it must be some pyramide the Dutch got from Egypt! But that’s not the case at all…