Archive for February, 2022
Dutch Late Night Host Arjen Lubach Is Back! Posted by Sten on Feb 28, 2022

Arjen Lubach is a Dutch comedian who gained international fame with his show Zondag met Lubach (Sunday with Lubach). This show held every Sunday evening discussed news with a comedic twist, similar to American formats like The Daily Show, Last Week Tonight and the Colbert Report. Lubach became most famous for his short skit America First, The Netherlands…
Wat móét ik nou hiermee? Accents on Dutch Words, Explained Posted by Sten on Feb 21, 2022

Dutch is pretty straightforward. Unlike German, French, Spanish or some Nordic languages, we don’t put accents on our letters! But then words like ingeënt, kopiëren, reünie, drieënvijftig, geïnd and tweeën say hello. This is what we call het trema (diaeresis), and in the Netherlands, it doesn’t signify that we pronounce the letter differently, but it’s rather an indication that…
What the heck is “grass duning”? – Curious Dutch Words Posted by Sten on Feb 15, 2022

We have plenty of weird, obscure words in the Dutch language. Here’s one that I really like, but that probably won’t survive. So perhaps by writing this blog, we can keep the word grasduinen alive. But what does grasduinen mean? It’s a regular verb, but it sounds odd. According to the Van Dale means “zich…
Dutch Idioms 27 – Is it the truth? Posted by Sten on Feb 11, 2022

Sometimes we read something in the news, or we hear something raars (strange), we frown, and we ask ourselves: klopt dat wel? (Is that actually true?) Then we start digging, to uncover the waarheid (truth). And as we all know, truth comes out in the end. Or well, we say something like that in Dutch Idioms. Here’s how the Dutch…