Archive by Author
How to Turn One Cookie into Two Cookies: Plurals in Dutch Posted by sarah on Jan 14, 2010
Making words plural in Dutch is usually straightforward. I’m a stickler for grammar rules and straightforward makes me a little happier. Here are some rules for turning one cookie into two cookies, or one euro into 100 euros. The rules for making a word plural are this simple: just add -en, -s, or -es to…
Snert. It is called Snert. Posted by sarah on Jan 12, 2010
It is called snert, or erwtensoep, and I have yet to actually try it myself. Two reasons. 1. The word “snert” sounds like something that comes out of my nose or should be scraped off my shoe. 2. Until now, I hadn’t found a vegetarian version of it. That is, until now. I’ve heard…
Dutch Music for Smiling Posted by sarah on Jan 11, 2010
Sometimes I come across things here that just make me smile. I heard this song a little while back and it actually made me laugh out loud. Yes, it’s a kid’s song. Nope, it’s not particularly “serious” music, but it is really cute and really fun. So here is a little song about a mouse…
Dagen, Maanden en Seizoenen: Days, Months and Seasons in Dutch Posted by sarah on Jan 9, 2010
Days, months and seasons are pretty important words to remember. If I call the de huisarts (the doctor) and need to make een afspraak (an appointment) I better be certain what day of the week I should be there. Plus I’d hate to miss a good party because I showed up a day late. In…
My New Verjaardagskalender Posted by sarah on Jan 7, 2010
The Dutch birthday is a very important event. In order to remember all those birthdays for all your family, friends, coworkers, acquaintances and pets, the Dutch have this thing called a “Verjaardagskalender“. This is a special calendar that doesn’t list the days of the week or the year, but rather the month and the date…
Mag ik je iets vragen? Asking questions in Dutch Posted by sarah on Jan 5, 2010
I don’t know about you, but in order to get around my day, I have to ask a lot of questions. Here are some question words to help you get through your day as well. And maybe we’ll all be a little less confused, at least some of the time. Wat? What? Wat ga…
Gelukkig Nieuw Jaar met Vuurwerk Posted by sarah on Jan 1, 2010
Firework use in the Netherlands is unlike anything I have ever seen in the US. Most of the year, fireworks are illegal here, but starting around the middle of December people can order fireworks. On December 28th they can pick them up at the store, and for one day only, December 31st through New Year’s…