Dutch Language Blog

Archive for 'Culture'

Spreekwoorden en Uitdrukkingen (Sayings and Expressions) 14 – Thuiswerken Posted by on Mar 23, 2020

With the coronavirus being a worldwide pandemic, many landen (countries) are implementing quarantaines (quarantines), telling people: blijf thuis! (Stay at home!) A real #thuiswerken movement has begun, and of course, that comes with its own linguistic quirks! Here are a spreekwoord (saying) and an uitdrukking (expression) to make thuiswerken a little sweeter! For other sayings and expressions in this series, click here. Oost…

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Coronavirus: The Dutch Response Posted by on Mar 10, 2020

Het coronavirus (the coronavirus) has reached Europe, including the Netherlands. While landen (countries) like Italy have decided that a landelijke quarantaine (country-wide quarantine) is the right way to contain the virus, what do the Dutch do? And how do they react? Let’s have a look, while also learning some Dutch! The Government’s Advice So far, the…

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200 Years of Multatuli Posted by on Mar 4, 2020

March 2020 will mark 200 years of one of the most renowned Dutch writers in history: Multatuli. To celebrate this, King Willem-Alexander inaugurated the Multatuli-jaar this past February at the Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam. In this post, I will explain a little of Multatuli’s life and his masterpiece Max Havelaar. Wie was Multatuli? Multatuli was the…

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Dutch Money: Talking About Money Posted by on Mar 2, 2020

Geld (money). It is the lifeblood of our economieën (economies) and we need it in our dagelijks leven (daily life) for everything from boodschappen (groceries, household items) to treinkaartjes (train tickets) to buying a rijbewijs (driver’s license) once you get tired of all the vertragingen (delays) of the Dutch trains. In the previous posts about Dutch money, we talked about where the Dutch gulden came from…

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Dutch Money: The Dutch Euro Posted by on Feb 24, 2020

Geld (money). It is the lifeblood of our economieën (economies) and we need it in our dagelijks leven (daily life) for everything from boodschappen (groceries) to treinkaartjes (train tickets) to buying a rijbewijs (driver’s license) once you get tired of all the vertragingen (delays) of the Dutch trains. Last week, we talked about the gulden, the Dutch currency before the country joined the euro. But…

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Dutch Money: The Dutch Gulden Posted by on Feb 19, 2020

Geld (money). It is the lifeblood of our economieën (economies) and we need it in our dagelijks leven (daily life) for everything from boodschappen (groceries) to treinkaartjes (train tickets) to buying a rijbewijs (driver’s license) once you get tired of all the vertragingen (delays) of the Dutch trains. But where did Dutch money begin? And what does the US dollar have to do with…

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Valentijnsdag: Love The Dutch Way Posted by on Feb 14, 2020

Valentine’s Day – a day for love… Also in the Netherlands. But how did we get here? And how do we celebrate it? Let’s explore! Valentijnsdag in the Netherlands While it’s known that Valentijnsdag (Valentine’s Day) is named after some Sint Valentijn (Saint Valentine), it’s not really clear which one. There are different stories about the man who was…

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