Tag Archives: 3FM
What’s up with all the Peters de Vries? Posted by Sten on Aug 28, 2017

In 2007, the Dutch radiozender (radio station) 3FM had an idea: Let’s gather as many people with the name “Peter de Vries” as possible and have a little party! Here is what happened. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Wi-Ko7csfU Het idee In December, presentator (presenter) Sander de Heer and nieuwslezer (news reader) Peter de Vries of 3FM heard about a record attempt in Wales, where 1220…
The Glass House – Leiden Posted by heather on Dec 22, 2011
Last year around this time I told you about an event that was happening in the Netherlands. The event was 3FM’s Serious Request and involves three DJ’s being locked in a glass house for six days. During this time they eat nothing but fruit and vegetable juices (often in jaw-dropping combinations), provide 24/7 music coverage…