Tag Archives: children
How Dutch Kids Fight Coronavirus Boredom By Hunting Bears Posted by Sten on Apr 1, 2020

In times of thuisquarantaine (home quarantine) and gesloten scholen (closed schools), kinderen (children) are bound to get extremely bored. How can you deal with such verveling (boredom)? Well, some people found a way, and because of social media, the idea is spreading all over the country. What is this berenjacht (bear hunt), and why does it become so successful in the Netherlands? Let’s have a…
Dutch Childhood Games Posted by Karoly Molina on Jan 20, 2016
First of all, I would like to wish everyone a happy new year! I know I am a bit late on the congratulations, but it is my first post of the year and I would love to wish all the blog readers the very best for 2016….may it be a year filled with love, happiness…
Meneer Kaktus: Do you get it?? Posted by Elena on Oct 13, 2011
When I was younger, and my family moved from the Netherlands to the US, my Dutch grandmother often sent me VHS tapes of my favorite Dutch television shows so that I could watch them in New York. Those of you who were children in the Netherlands between 1986 and 1993 will remember Meneer Kaktus, a…