Tag Archives: crime
Curious Dutch Words: Kidnapping By Mistake: Vergisontvoering Posted by Sten on Sep 30, 2021

Ontvoeringen (kidnappings)! Not a fun thing, but they happen. Often with the intention of using the gijzelaar (hostage) as a negotiation chip or for blackmail. There’s a clear intention behind the act. But somehow, the Dutch found the word vergisontvoering (mistaken kidnapping). How does that work, and how is this a word? Previous posts in this series…
Shocking News: Dutch Journalist Peter R de Vries Shot Posted by Sten on Jul 15, 2021
Just a week ago, the most famous Dutch misdaadverslaggever (crime journalist), Peter R de Vries, was shot in broad daylight in Amsterdam. Who is he, what happened, and what do the Dutch say? Hij wil alles helemaal uitzoeken Peter Rudolph de Vries is a Dutch misdaadverslaggever who stands out for wanting to get to the depth…
Curious Words in Dutch 10: Veelpleger Posted by Sten on Jun 7, 2021

Sometimes we do bad stuff. And sometimes we do stuff that lands us in de gevangenis (jail). Well, maybe not. But some people are so good at it, that they become a veelpleger (frequent offender). Or zeer actieve veelpleger (very active frequent offender). Or draaideurcrimineel (“revolving door criminal”)! What do these curious words mean, exactly? Previous posts in this series: Curious…
Holleeder Family- The Dutch Godfather? Posted by Karoly Molina on Feb 6, 2019

I just finished reading the book “Judas” about a notorious Dutch criminal and it left me speechless! It covered the infamous Heineken ontvoering or kidnapping, the “underworld” of criminals in the Netherlands, and one family’s life in the middle of it all. Who are the Holleeders? The Holleder family is known first and foremost by the oldest…
Emergency Services in the Netherlands Posted by Karoly Molina on Nov 9, 2016
There comes a time in one’s migrant life when we, sadly, have an emergency and need to call the police or an ambulance. What number do we dial? What do we say? Who will come help me? While we would like to never think about this, the truth is that this type of information comes…