Dutch Language Blog

Tag Archives: Dutch Culture

The Dutch and Classical Music: An Unexpected Relationship Posted by on Oct 17, 2018

I recently started a new job related to classical music. I am not a musician (not by a longshot), but part of my job is to read about klassieke muziek (classical music) innovation. In this short time, I have learned a few things about the classical music scene in the Netherlands that surprised me. In my radar…

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What are these mailbox stickers? Posted by on May 29, 2018

If you go to the Netherlands and you walk through any residential area, you cannot really escape them: The super-obvious NEE-NEE-sticker or the NEE-JA-sticker on people’s brievenbussen (mailboxes). What are these for? Let’s dive in. Folders, folders, folders… As we have discussed before, many places in the Netherlands distribute a load of folders (ad brochures) from supermarkets and local stores every single day…

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Book Review: Mama Tandoori Posted by on Mar 28, 2018

I have to admit that my latest Dutch literature read was selected only because Herman Koch, one of my two favorite Dutch writers up until now, recommended it. When I saw on the cover that he said it was “the funniest and most moving book I have read this year,” I knew I had to…

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And the Oscar Goes to… Posted by on Mar 14, 2018

Earlier this month, the 90th ceremony of the Oscars took place in the U.S. After much backlash from the lack of diversity in the awards, this year’s ceremony seemed more open to movies from all sorts of backgrounds. The gala was full of the glamour and beautiful dresses we have grown accustomed to and everyone…

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Book Review: The Song and the Truth Posted by on Jan 17, 2018

My latest Dutch literature read is Het lied en de waarheid or in it’s English title The Song and the Truth by Helga Ruebsamen. Helga grew up in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) with her Dutch mother and her German Jewish father. Her family eventually moved to the Netherlands where she grew up. Het lied en de waarheid…

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6 Things to Know About Babies in the Netherlands Posted by on Aug 9, 2017

Whether you are planning to have a baby in the Netherlands or just have friends and family here who will, having babies in the Netherlands comes with its own customs and traditions. Below is a list of the most useful things to know about having babies in the Netherlands: Thuisbevalling Thuisbevalling or a home birth…

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Book Review: Dear Mr M Posted by on Apr 28, 2017

I had previously recommended the novel Het Diner by Herman Koch and on this post, I would like to recommend Geachte Heer M by the same author. Geachte Heer M is a combination of stories. First, you are introduced to the story of Mr. M whom the narrator is observing and critically judging. Mr. M is a writer whose moment…

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