Dutch Language Blog

Tag Archives: Dutch food

Ordering Drinks In Dutch Posted by on Jul 16, 2017

Summer is here! And so a lot of terrassen (terraces), café’s (cafés) and bars (bars) are flooded with people, trying to afkoelen (cool off) a little in the zomerse hitte (Summer heat). Many people are getting drinks to cool off – but how do you order drinks in Dutch? So, you decided to hit one of the many little terraces (terrasjes) in the city, sit down…

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Dutch Winter Food: Balkenbrij Posted by on Oct 26, 2016

The cold has finally settled in the Netherlands and the trees are starting to turn into beautiful shades of orange, brown and red. With the change in season, comes a change in food. The first fall/winter dish I would like to write about is balkenbrij. Balkenbrij or Kroeboet as it is called in Limburg, is…

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Holland’s New Herring Posted by on Jun 15, 2016

Today is a special day for all of us who love all things fishy. The first barrel of Hollandse Nieuwe Haring was sold yesterday for a whopping 90,000 euro, and the Dutch delicacy was available in grocery stores and local markets today. Every year, the money from the first batch is donated to a charity organization. The…

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This Dutch Treat is Racist Posted by on Jun 6, 2016

At least, so they say! Today, I have a rather controversial post for you. It is about “chocolate-coated marshmallow treats”, as Wikipedia likes to call them. I am talking about these things: Negerzoen and its origins What is controversial about them? In the Netherlands and Germany, they are known as Negerzoenen or Negerküsse, which literally translates to “Nigger Kisses”…

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5 Dutch Foods I Wish Were EVERYWHERE Posted by on Jan 22, 2016

Dear readers, first of all, Gelukkig nieuwjaar (happy new year)! I hope it is still appropriate at this time, since it is already so late. I am sorry that you have not heard from me for such a long time, but I had very time consuming exams. I just returned from half a year studying in France…

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The surprising Dutch sweetener for savory warm dishes Posted by on Sep 4, 2015

When you think about the Netherlands and sweet, you may come up with things like Stroopwafels, Hagelslag or Vla (a post on that one soon!). I am talking about a sweet treat that is eaten with warm dinner. It is more of a side. Especially with potatoes. Yes, those yellow roots we eat. In the Netherlands, you eat…

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My Favorite Dutch Dessert: Apple Pie! Posted by on Sep 25, 2014

Last month, I wrote about my grandma’s delicious cookie recipe and my baking venture in the Netherlands. Since then, the video I included about baking an apple pie has consumed my dreams. My sweet tooth drove me to try it out, all in an effort to practice my Dutch listening skills, and I am proud…

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