Tag Archives: Dutch songs
Dutch Songs About Corona Posted by Karoly Molina on Apr 22, 2020

During the last couple of weeks, we have seen several videos of people united with music. From the tenor singing on his balcony in Italy, to whole neighbourhoods singing together, to DJ’s playing music for their neighbours, music is very much a part of our social distancing. In this post, I explore three songs that…
Dutch Songs to Wash Your Hands Posted by Karoly Molina on Mar 12, 2020

Last week, Sten wrote a very interesting post about the coronavirus developments in the Netherlands. Like Sten mentioned, the Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezonheid en Milieu (RIVM) has made a few key recommendations. In this post, I would like to explore some of these recommendations. Handen Wassen According to information from RIVM and the World Health Organization…
Fun ways to learn new vocabulary Posted by Karoly Molina on Jun 16, 2017

Learning vocabulary can be quite a task if you are not constantly using these words. I find particularly hard to learn onregelmatige werkwoorden or irregular verbs because well….they are irregular! However, with a little creativity and some old-fashioned studying, you can tackle the new words you want to learn. Below is a list of 5 useful ways…
Bassie and Adriaan Posted by Karoly Molina on Sep 30, 2014
There has been a recent YouTube interest in the Bassie and Adriaan show thanks to an American student singing their famous song. They began as a circus duo that later was able to film their own TV show. They were very popular in Belgium and the Netherlands and filmed all sorts of education shows. Through…