Tag Archives: Peter de Vries
Shocking News: Dutch Journalist Peter R de Vries Shot Posted by Sten on Jul 15, 2021
Just a week ago, the most famous Dutch misdaadverslaggever (crime journalist), Peter R de Vries, was shot in broad daylight in Amsterdam. Who is he, what happened, and what do the Dutch say? Hij wil alles helemaal uitzoeken Peter Rudolph de Vries is a Dutch misdaadverslaggever who stands out for wanting to get to the depth…
What’s up with all the Peters de Vries? Posted by Sten on Aug 28, 2017

In 2007, the Dutch radiozender (radio station) 3FM had an idea: Let’s gather as many people with the name “Peter de Vries” as possible and have a little party! Here is what happened. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Wi-Ko7csfU Het idee In December, presentator (presenter) Sander de Heer and nieuwslezer (news reader) Peter de Vries of 3FM heard about a record attempt in Wales, where 1220…