Dutch Language Blog

Tag Archives: Word of the Month

Dutch Word of the Month January: Herdenking Posted by on Jan 28, 2020

January – the first month of the 2020s is coming to a close. This month really stood out with several events that made us stop, think, and look back. From joyful and exciting memories of what the last decade brought us to devastating losses. The word of the month January 2020 is herdenking. Click here for…

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Woord van het Jaar 2019! Posted by on Jan 14, 2020

The last year of the previous decade has just elapsed two weeks ago, and that means that we have new woorden van het jaar (words of the year). Let’s see what words 2019 brought! Het klimaat Nothing gained as much traction in 2019 as het klimaat (the climate). From the Fridays for Future demonstrations all around the world to major climate…

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Dutch Word of the Month November: Comakijken Posted by on Nov 25, 2019

It’s  November! Usually not a very exciting month. It’s the beginning of ever colder and ever darker days. Though in this dire month, something might just keep people’s hopes up: Apple TV+ and Disney+ launched, and on the other side of the pond only in the Netherlands so far! This leads to our word of…

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Dutch Word of the Month October: Vagevuur Posted by on Oct 28, 2019

October, the month of Halloween and spookiness. Of course, there are spooky Dutch words related to this as well. The Word of the Month of October – Vagevuur. Click here for previous Words of the Month What does it mean? Vagevuur means “Purgatory”. According to some Christians, it is the state between dying and going to heaven…

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Dutch Word of the Month September: Koopkracht Posted by on Sep 30, 2019


September! Out of the boring months, here comes something important for all to hear: news about the begroting (budget) for the next begrotingsjaar (fiscal year). Presented every derde dinsdag in september (third Tuesday in September) on Prinsjesdag (Prince’s Day). And besides money for onderwijs (education), zorg (healthcare) or infrastructuur (infrastructure), there is always something about koopkracht. What is that, and why does it matter? Here we go! Click…

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Dutch Word of the Month August: Puzzelwoord Posted by on Aug 26, 2019

Like July, August is a quiet month for the news, real komkommertijd. But this month, something exciting happened: Lingo is back! And with it, some of Lingo’s iconic vocabulary. The word of the month is: Puzzelwoord (puzzle word)! Click here for previous Words of the Month What does it mean? Puzzelwoord (puzzle word) quite simply refers to…

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Dutch Word of the Month July: De Sproeischaamte Posted by on Jul 29, 2019

It is heet (hot). The grueling hitte (heat) of the zomer (summer) and the lack of regen (rain) is killing your tuin (garden). And all you can do to fight this heat is to sprinkle some water (water) to save at least something. Though in this hitte, using water for keeping your tuin together –…

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