Tag Archives: WWII
Dutch Movie on Netflix: Black Book Posted by Karoly Molina on Sep 11, 2019

This past weekend at home, we came across a very popular Dutch film called Zwartboek or Black Book. This movie was released in 2006 and tells the story of survival of a Dutch-Jewish singer by the name of Rachel Stein during the last year of the Nazi occupation. Background Zwartboek was written by Paul Verhoeven and Gerard Soeteman…
Book Review: Last Call by Harry Mulisch Posted by Karoly Molina on Oct 10, 2018

It is no secret that I am a Harry Mulisch fan! From the moment I discovered his writing with De ontdekking van de hemel (The Discovery of Heaven), I always pick up any book I can find of his. During a walk around a bookstore in Utrecht, I found a new book of Mulisch that I had…
Remembrance and Liberation Day 2016 Posted by Karoly Molina on May 4, 2016
May 4th and 5th mark a very important time in Dutch history. May 4th is Dodenherdenking or remembrance of the dead when the thousands who died during World War II and the Nazi invasion in the Netherlands are remembered. Since 1961, the day also commemorates those who died in other military conflicts. There are several ceremonies throughout…