Archive for November, 2020
Can you deliver the goods? Posted by carol on Nov 30, 2020

Happy Monday to all readers! How is it going? With the restrictions imposed by the pandemic and now with the latest black Friday, delivery is definitely a trending word. Over the quarantine, this type of service has become increasingly popular worldwide, as it allows for people to have access to products and food without having…
Neologisms, 2020 Edition Posted by Gary Locke on Nov 25, 2020

As we near the end of another year, dictionaries and language nerds seek out the words that have entered our lexicology – the part of linguistics that studies the formation of words. These are neologisms, words that have recently entered our language but are only just beginning to be accepted as part of our daily…
The Blue Strawberry Turkey Posted by Gary Locke on Nov 19, 2020

Holiday traditions always include food. For Thanksgiving, which is celebrated on the last Thursday in November, the traditional main course is roast turkey. Well, I have a recipe for roast stuffed turkey which I have made for decades. My family and friends agree with me that the results are fantastic. It is, however, a very…
Could, Should, Would, Might Posted by Gary Locke on Nov 12, 2020

I try not to play the role of grammar policeman among my family and friends, so I make every effort not to comment on grammatical mistakes when I see or hear them. But I do notice them. When the same mistakes keep appearing from multiple people, I can’t help but wonder why. Lately, I’ve been…
American News Sources Posted by Gary Locke on Nov 5, 2020

With everything that’s happening in the United States and the rest of the world, nothing matters more than dependable news sources. We have learned to expect misinformation and alternative facts on our social media platforms. But what about newspapers, television, radio, and magazines? Who do Americans trust to provide them with unbiased reporting? I wish…