English Language Blog

Archive for November, 2021

Hands up! Gun idioms in English Posted by on Nov 30, 2021

Hi, everyone! How is it going? The other day I was talking to an American co-worker of mine and couldn’t help but joking about his country’s obsession with firearms, with its purchase and possession even being legal in some states. All jokes aside, gun control is a hot topic in the public debate. Regardless of…

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Understanding the Word Pilgrim Posted by on Nov 18, 2021

Discussing the history of the Pilgrims who established the first New England colony in 1620 can open up a complex set of questions and arguments. Were they heroic trailblazers or foolish zealots? Were they rescued by the local natives, or did they exploit them? There are no easy answers. The Pilgrims of our first Thanksgiving…

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Strange Combinations Posted by on Nov 11, 2021

When two or more words are combined to form a new word with a different meaning, we get a compound word. There are three types of compound words. They can be closed compounds, joined into one word, like soundproof. Closed compounds are almost always the combination of only two words. They can be open compounds…

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Rewriting the English Dictionary Posted by on Nov 4, 2021

As you probably know, every year new words are added to English dictionaries. English is, after all, an ever-evolving language. Although, the editors of all the various dictionaries seldom agree on what words merit consideration and inclusion. The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) for 2021, for instance, added the hyphenated word haggis-headed, which describes someone who…

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