Esperanto Language Blog

Back to School Posted by on Sep 7, 2009 in Esperanto Language

Now that school has resumed for children and adults alike, I cannot help but think about education. Admittedly, a lot of those thoughts are about how to pay for education, but that is beside the point! I usually find myself thinking about educational theories, and how to go about teaching particular topics. My train of thought inevitably chugs along to Esperanto within minutes.

Perhaps another way to raise awareness and interest in Esperanto would be to have clubs for it in schools. On my campus, there is a club for virtually every language taught there; similarly, there were organizations dedicated to extracurricular Latin, Spanish, French, and German at my former high school. An Esperanto club, at any level of education, would surely help people take notice of the language.

The question, then, is how one should found such a club. If you have children of your own who are school age, why not teach them Esperanto, and encourage them to tell their friends about it? With enough interest, they could start an Esperanto club at their school. Plus, it always looks good on a college application to say you were one of the founding members of a school organization! Even in college, it wouldn’t be too difficult to make a club for your favorite secondary language.

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