Archive for 'Uncategorized'
New English-Esperanto dictionary for iPhone Posted by Chuck Smith on Jun 30, 2012
Today I am here with Ashleigh Lincoln, Marketing and Communications Coordinator from Ultralingua. They have just released a new Esperanto-English dictionary app for the iPhone and iPad! Learn more in our interview below. Why did you choose to create an Esperanto-English dictionary? Does it work in both directions? It does work both ways, and the…
Goal reached: Esperanto Cultural Festival documentary Posted by Chuck Smith on May 7, 2012
Today, I’m with Rogener Pavinski, who you might already know as the editor of Kontakto or who was the person responsible for post-production of Esperanto Is. He’s now planning to make a documentary about the Esperanto Cultural Festival. This festival is the place to listen to the best Esperanto concerts in the world. He’ll take…
Calendar Months in Esperanto Posted by Transparent Language on May 2, 2012
Here is a basic list of the calendar months in Esperanto, and their English equivalents. You can practice this list, along with audio pronunciation, on Byki List Central. There are many other good Esperanto vocabulary lists available, with audio, created by our List Central users and free to the public. Happy language learning! – The Byki Language Team…
Kelly Clarkson speaks Esperanto? Posted by Chuck Smith on Feb 20, 2012
Did you know that Kelly Clarkson, who sang the national anthem during the Super Bowl, learned Esperanto? Ok, I’ll admit, it wasn’t much. But, I’m sure of it, since I saw it myself! Amusingly enough, Kelly Clarkson was on the Paul O’Grady Show promoting her new album at the same time as Esperanto activist, Tim…
I love you in Esperanto Posted by Chuck Smith on Feb 14, 2012
Feliĉan Valentintago! [Happy Valentine’s Day!] Want to surprise that special someone by telling them, Mi amas vin [I love you] in Esperanto? Well, now you know how! So, on this special day, you might want to pick up some ĉokolado [chocolate] at the superbazaro [supermarket], or floroj [flowers] from the floristo [do I really need…
Word Race: first Esperanto game for iPhone Posted by Chuck Smith on Feb 9, 2012
Today, Libera Folio wrote about the first Esperanto game for iPhone. Amusingly enough, I produced this game, so this article may not be as unbiased as usual. What follows is a translation of their article: The first Esperanto game for Apple phones and tablets was officially released today, although with an English name: Word Race…
From Moon Zombies to a House of Ghosts Posted by Chuck Smith on Jan 29, 2012
I’m back with Christopher Mihm, talking about his upcoming film, Domo de Fantomoj [House of Ghosts], which will be subbed and dubbed into Esperanto! You might remember him better from his previous film, Attack of the Moon Zombies… Going back to Moon Zombies, how did its release in Esperanto make it different than your previous…