French Language Blog

Archive for February, 2022

La Place de l’Horloge Posted by on Feb 25, 2022

Bonjour! Some reading practice for you… Une place est un espace public ouvert qui se trouve le plus souvent au centre d’une ville. Ainsi, la place centrale se trouve non seulement au centre géographique de la ville, mais se révèle très souvent être le centre administratif, culturel et social. Normalement sur la place d’une ville…

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The Little Prince in Paris Posted by on Feb 22, 2022

If you’re a long-time follower, you already know that one of France’s most famous contributions to the world of literature was not actually written in France. Now for the first time, the manuscript of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s Le Petit Prince is making a trip to Paris. Le Petit Prince à Paris Written and first published…

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5 ways to make the most of a French tutor Posted by on Feb 17, 2022

virtual language tutoring

If you’re learning French on your own, bravo! 🙌 As you progress, you’ll want to apply what you’re learning with a tutor. But working with a French tutor can be a big investment. If you’re considering working with a tutor, Catherine from the Transparent Connect Tutoring team is here to share five ways to bien…

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A French song for Valentine’s Day Posted by on Feb 15, 2022

Ok, I’m a day late … le jour de la Saint-Valentin est passé pour cette année … but this close, love is still in the air. In honor of the official day of l’amour, let’s enjoy a new song from Clara Luciani. Love Hurts Even when it’s good, being in love is complicated. I think…

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A medieval tour and recipe Posted by on Feb 10, 2022

Coucou! This past weekend I had the pleasure of visiting Carcassonne (for the 4th time, actually!) and thought we could go on a “virtual tour” together. Carcassonne is a medieval fortified city located about an hour from Toulouse by train. It dates back to the Gallo-Roman period and was restored in 1853. It is now…

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An update on La Francophonie Posted by on Feb 8, 2022

I recently came across l’Observatoire de la langue française’s latest numbers on La Francophonie, an organization today that represents 88 countries on 5 continents. Let’s take a look at what’s new in La Francophonie. French around the world The report aims to understand qui parle le français, qui apprend le français, quels sont les usages, et…

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Get cozy Posted by on Feb 1, 2022

February may be the shortest month (thank goodness!) and meteorological spring might be just 28 days away, but with its cieux gris, neige, and froid, it can feel like the longest! For me, there is no better month to get cozy than février! Ça caille toujours … The weather hasn’t gotten any warmer since DjeuhDhoah…

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