If you are among the countless fans of fine French cuisine whose péché mignon (little weakness) happens to be a filet mignon, then don’t look anywhere else, because this delicious recette (recipe) hailing from the French coasts of la Normandie (Normandy) is just for you!
Pour 4 personnes (for 4 people):
- 800 gof filet mignon of veau (veal) cut in 4 parts
- 7 pommes (apples) of the “Golden” type
- 1 oignon (onion)
- Around 500gof champignons (mushrooms)
- Le jus (the juice) of a half citron (lemon)
- 3 cuillères à soupe (tablespoon) of crème fraîche (fresh cream)
- 25 clof cidre (cider)
- 1 tablespoon of farine (flour)
- 1 tablespoon of huile (oil)
- Somemargarine
- Sel (salt)
- Poivre (pepper)
Temps de préparation (preparation time) : 20 minutes seulement (only)!
Temps de cuisson (cooking time) : 45minutes
- Take a faitout (stewpot), immerse the veal mignons into l’huile and la margarine.
- Put on the salt and the pepper, and add the chopped oignon as well as la farine.
- Stir the whole thing and cook for 5 minutes à feu doux (under gentle fire.)
- Add the cidre.
- Put on the pealed cut apples between the mignons.
- Cook for 25 minutes.
- In the meantime, wash the champignons and slice them thinly.
- Remove the mignons and the apples. Put the stewpot under mild fire, add the crème fraîche until you get a sauce nappante (coating sauce), which should take some ten minutes
- Add the jus de citron.
- Put the champignons with a bit of margarine inside a covered poêle (frying pan) in order to extract their juice. Once that’s done, cook them uncovered to glaze them.
- Once you got your sauce nappante, put the mignons de veau and the apples back into the stewpot. Put them again under gentle fire, and serve together withthe champignons.
- And pour finir (to finish)… Serve with some cidre in order to sharpen the goût (taste) of this delicious dish!
Charles Laster:
This may be my menu tonight!
@Charles Laster Glad to know the post was helpful: Bon appetit!