French Language Blog

French Vocabulary – Body and Health Posted by on Feb 19, 2009 in Vocabulary

I just finished helping a family friend prepare for a French test and I thought I would share some of the vocabulary he was learning with all of you.  And besides, given that it is still winter and illnesses avail, some of these expressions could help if you are going to a French doctor.

la tête head
la main hand
le poignet wrist
la poitrine chest
le ventre stomach
la jambe leg
la cuisse thigh
le pied foot
la genou knee
le cheville ankle
le mollet calf
le talon heel
le tibia shinbone
le coude elbow
le bras arms
les doigts fingers
les orteilles toes
le visage face
le front forehead
l’oreille ear
les dents teeth
la bouche mouth
la langue tongue
la gorge throat
le cou neck
le menton chin
le nez nose
les yeux eyes


J’ai mal à la gorge. My throat hurts.
J’ai mal à la tête. My head hurts.
J’ai horriblement mal à la tête. I’ve got a splitting headache.
J’ai mal au ventre. I’ve got a stomachache.
J’ai mal à l’oreille. I’ve got an earache.
Je tousse. I’ve got a cough.
J’ai la voix cassée. My voice is hoarse.
J’ai froid. I’m cold.
J’ai de la fièvre. I’ve got a fever.
J’ai un rhume. I’ve got a cold.
Je suis enrhumé(e). I’ve got a cold.
J’ai attrapé un coup de froid. I’ve caught a cold.
J’ai la grippe. I’ve got the flu.
J’ai la gastro. I’ve got the stomach flu.
Je me sens malade. I feel sick.
J’ai des courbatures. I’ve got aching muscles.
J’ai des frissons. I’ve got chills.
La tête me tourne. I’m dizzy.
Je viens de vomir. I’ve been vomiting.
J’ai la diarrhée. I’ve got diarrhea.
J’ai du mal à respirer. I’m having difficulty breathing.

And finally, the most important thing is to get better, so make sure you ask:
Que me conseillez-vous pour me guérir ?

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  1. vidhyaplv:

    bonjour medicin , je tousse et j’ai un rhume.

  2. Dave Fibromyalgia:

    Your blog is very interesting and enjoyable to read and experience.

  3. JessieJ:

    WoW! This helped me learn soo much! Thanks a lot for your help!! 🙂
