Archive for 'Language'
A world of languages Posted by Tim Hildreth on Jun 1, 2021

French is a world language, but France also has its own world of languages. Like many countries, modern-day France evolved out of a collection of smaller duchies, principalities, kingdoms, and territories … regions that – in addition to their own political structure – often had their own language. One country … a world of languages…
Anniversaries Posted by Tim Hildreth on May 11, 2021

For many French learners, the word anniversaire is perhaps most with associated with the expression Joyeux anniversaire but it can also refer to un anniversaire de mariage, or like in this past week, l’anniversaire d’une mort, or l’anniversaire de la fin d’une guerre. So this week, let’s explore anniversaries. 200 years after the death of…
A word to the weather wise Posted by Tim Hildreth on May 4, 2021

While my musings tend to turn to France (with occasional detours north of the border!), French is a global language and la Francophonie has a global footprint. This week we’ll look at two examples that remind us of the richness of French in all its global grooviness. A world of language Spoken in une trentaine…
D’accord ou pas d’accord? Posted by Bridgette on Apr 23, 2021

Bonjour tout le monde! While going through some of my files on my computer, I came across some old writing exercises from college. I was asked to reflect on the following statements, and answer d’accord ou pas d’accord (agree or not agree?) I thought I would share them with you and ask you whether or…
Ni oui ni non – un jeu Posted by Bridgette on Apr 9, 2021

Neither yes nor no – a game Salut tout le monde ! Ni oui ni non est un jeu très connu. Le but est de ne dire ni oui ni non aux questions qu’on nous pose. Ces réponses sont tellement habituelles dans nos vies quotidiennes… continuez pour des phrases pour éviter le oui ou le…
Les réseaux sociaux en France Posted by Bridgette on Mar 26, 2021

Les réseaux sociaux en France – Social Media in France If you don’t use les réseaux sociaux to help advance your French studies, I would highly suggest it. Social media can really allow you to immerse yourself even further into the culture and language that you are learning. If you are on Instagram or Facebook, I…
Journée internationale des femmes Posted by Bridgette on Mar 12, 2021

Journée internationale des femmes – International Women’s Day March 8th was Journée internationale des femmes which is widely celebrated in France. Men will gift the women in their life bright yellow mimosas to show their appreciation! In celebration, I wanted to share a poem by the 19th century French poet Anaïs Ségalas. In 1847, Ségalas published…