Archive for 'Vocabulary'
Vacation Time Tunes Posted by Tim Hildreth on Aug 3, 2021

I’m taking a little vacation this week. The timing is right, since in France, August is traditionally the start of the période des grandes vacances. But it’s still a strange time to be travelling, so I’m staying close to home. But whether travelling near or far, nothing makes me feel more “in the mood for…
And they’re off … Posted by Tim Hildreth on Jul 27, 2021

It took a year, but the latest edition of the Jeux Olympiques (les JO as they’re more commonly known in France) have finally begun in Tokyo. The 2020 games – taking place in 2021! – may just be getting started, but France has already made their mark. And they’re off … Team France won their…
A French Geography Lesson Posted by Tim Hildreth on Jul 6, 2021

As vacation season arrives – in this very strange (almost, hopefully!) post-Covid world – it seemed like a good to time to trot out some useful vocabulary. So this week it’s time for a French geography lesson. A French Geography Lesson With apologies to anyone who associates geography lessons with school, the common terms below…
Its just too nice to work Posted by Tim Hildreth on Jun 8, 2021

After a few too many weekends pluvieux, I was thrilled to wake up this Saturday to un beau ciel tout bleu et un grand soleil. On a day like that its hard to get anything done because its just too nice to work! Il fait trop beau pour travailler The weather got me thinking about…
A novel solution to food waste Posted by Tim Hildreth on May 18, 2021

Sustainability is a topic we hear a lot about these days. Global initiatives like the United Nations Goals for Sustainable Development encourage all of us to think about ways that we can help ensure that our home remains vibrant and viable. This week I came across a novel solution to food waste that might help…
Les catacombes de Paris Posted by Bridgette on May 7, 2021

Bonjour! I am sure you have heard of the morbid catacombes de Paris, but do you know why it was built in the first place? Continuez à lire pour savoir de plus! Read on to find out more! L’ossuaire municipal situated in the 14ieme arrondissement holds the remains of an estimated 6 million people and…
A word to the weather wise Posted by Tim Hildreth on May 4, 2021

While my musings tend to turn to France (with occasional detours north of the border!), French is a global language and la Francophonie has a global footprint. This week we’ll look at two examples that remind us of the richness of French in all its global grooviness. A world of language Spoken in une trentaine…