French Language Blog

Celebrations Posted by on Mar 1, 2022 in Culture, Film & Theater, Holidays

Today is mardi, le 1er mars … et c’est Mardi Gras1Tuesday, March 1 … and it is Mardi Gras! In honor of the day, today we look at a few different types of celebrations …

Photo (C) Tim Hildreth

Mardi Gras

It’s traditional to feast on this last day before Lent, and for many the day’s eating isn’t complete without a local fried dough. Around France, each region even seems to have its own special treat for the day. “En effet, les mets de prédilection de cette journée sont les beignets, les crêpes ou les gaufres2Effectively, the food of choice on this day is often beignets, crepes, or waffles.

If you’re in the mood for a little cooking of your own, this article includes links to recipes for Mardi Gras treats

Ça (ne) saute (pas) aux yeux!3It’s (not) so obvious [lit. It (doesn’t) jump to your eyes]! Sometimes the most obvious things elude us. In getting ready to write this week’s post and looking back to last year, I oh-so-briefly had the thought “Oh look, Mardi Gras was on a Tuesday last year too. What a coincidence!” Of course, just like les vendredi 13 always fall on Friday, Mardi Gras always falls on a Tuesday!

Les Césars

It’s award season (or so they say) and a good entertainment awards show is a celebration of its own. Le 25 février4February 25 France celebrated the 47e Cesars to honor the best in French film.

One of this year’s top films was the rock opera Annette (staring Marion Cotillard and Adam Driver, available on Amazon).  The film, réalisé par le cinéaste franco-américain5directed by the Franco-American Leos Carax who won the prize for meilleur réalisateur6best director, was also recognized for effets visuels, meilleur montage, meilleur son, meilleure musique originale7visual effects, best editing, best sound, and best original music.

In related news, the French actrice Valérie Lemercier won the Cesar for meilleure actrice8best actress for her work as “Aline” in the film of the same name … a sort of “vrai faux biopic de Céline Dion qu’elle a écrit et réalisé9pseudo (lit. true false) biopic about Céline Dion that she wrote and directed.

Disneyland Paris at 30

In 1992 The Walt Disney Companies opened their latest global theme park in the middle of a former farming community to the east of Paris. When I was living in France after college, I had the chance to visit the recently opened park with some of my family. It was a rainy, gray 11 novembre1011th of November, but we still managed to have a great time.

Originally known as EuroDisney, the park – now known as Disneyland Paris and about to celebrate it’s 30th anniversary – wasn’t very popular when it first opened and there weren’t a lot of people. We had the run of the park almost to ourselves. In the intervening years, much like their changing opinions about le McDo, the French have come to embrace the park and it is now a popular destination.

Photos (C) Tim Hildreth


Le Prix Lumière—Or The French equivalent of the Golden Globes

  • 1
    Tuesday, March 1 … and it is Mardi Gras
  • 2
    Effectively, the food of choice on this day is often beignets, crepes, or waffles
  • 3
    It’s (not) so obvious [lit. It (doesn’t) jump to your eyes]!
  • 4
    February 25
  • 5
    directed by the Franco-American
  • 6
    best director
  • 7
    visual effects, best editing, best sound, and best original music
  • 8
    best actress
  • 9
    pseudo (lit. true false) biopic about Céline Dion that she wrote and directed
  • 10
    11th of November
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About the Author: Tim Hildreth

Since my first trip to France at 16, I have been a passionate francophile. I love the language, food, music, art, people, and more that make France and la Francophonie in general such an amazing part of our global community. Having lived in France and studied the language and culture for over 35 years, it is my great pleasure to be able to share a little bit of my deep love with you through this blog.