French Language Blog

French Numbers 1-100 Posted by on Sep 15, 2009 in Vocabulary

This is a post for all of you who are just beginning French.  We’ve included both written pronunciations as well as a video with spoken pronunciation. For even more numbers, check out “French Numbers: Learn How to Count from 1 to 1000

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0 zéro [zay-ro]
1 un [uh]
2 deux [duhr]
3 trois [twa]
4 quatre [katr]
5 cinq [sank]
6 six [sees]
7 sept [set]
8 huit [weet]
9 neuf [nurf]
10 dix [dees]
11 onze [onz]
12 douze [dooz]
13 treize [trez]
14 quatorze [katorz]
15 quinze [kanz]
16 seize [sez]
17 dix-sept [dee-set]
18 dix-huit [dees-weet]
19 dix-neuf [dees-nurf]
20 vingt [van]
21 vingt et un [vant-ay-uh]
22 vingt-deux [van-duhr]
23 vingt-trois [van-twa]
24 vingt-quatre [van-katr]
25 vingt-cinq [van-sank]
26 vingt-six [van-sees]
27 vingt-sept [van-set]
28 vingt-huit [van-weet]
29 vingt-neuf [van-nurf]
30 trente [tront]
31 Trente et un [tront ay-uh]
32 Trente-deux [tront-durh)
33 Trente-trois [tront-twa)
34 Trente-quatre [tront-katr)
35 Trente-cinq [tront-sank)
36 Trente-six [tront-sees)
37 Trente-sept [tront-set)
38 Trente-huit [tront-weet)
39 Trente-neuf [tront-nurf)
40 quarante [karont]
41 quarante et un [karont-ay-uh]
42 quarante-deux [karont-deux]
43 quarante-trois [karont-twa]
44 quarante-quatre [karont-katr]
45 quarante-cinq [karont-sank]
46 quarante-six [karont-sees]
47 quarante-sept [karont-set]
48 quarante-huit [karont-weet]
49 quarante-neuf [karont-nurf]
50 cinquante [sank-ont]
51 cinquante et un [sank-ont-ay-uh]
52 cinquante-deux [sank-ont-deux]
53 cinquante-trois [sank-ont-twa]
54 cinquante-quatre [sank-ont-katr]
55 cinquante-cinq [sank-ont-sank]
56 cinquante-six [sank-ont-sees]
57 cinquante-sept [sank-ont-set]
58 cinquante-huit [sank-ont-weet]
59 cinquante-neuf [sank-ont-nurf]
60 soixante [swa-sont]
61 soixante et un [swa-sont-ay-un]
62 soixante-deux [swa-sont-dur]
63 soixante-trois [swa-sont-twa]
64 soixante-quatre [swa-sont-katr]
65 soixante-cinq [swa-sont-sank]
66 soixante-six [swa-sont-sees]
67 soixante-sept [swa-sont-set]
68 soixante-huit [swa-sont-weet]
69 soixante-neuf [swa-sont-nurf]
70 soixante-dix [swa-sont-dees]
71 soixante-et-onze [swa-sont-ay-onz]
72 soixante-douze [swa-sont-dooz]
73 soixante-treize [swa-sont-trez]
74 soixante-quatorze [swa-sont-katorz]
75 soixante-quinze [swa-sont-kanz]
76 soixante-seize [swa-sont-sez]
77 soixante-dix-sept [swa-sont-dee-set]
78 soixante-dix-huit [swa-sont-dees-weet]
79 soixante-dix-neuf [swa-sont-dees-nurf]
80 quatre-vingts [kat-ra-van]
81 quatre-vingt-un [kat-ra-vant-uh]
82 quatre-vingt-deux [kat-ra-van-dur]
83 quatre-vingt-trois [kat-ra-van-twa]
84 quatre-vingt-quatre [kat-ra-van-katr]
85 quatre-vingt-cinq [kat-ra-van-sank]
86 quatre-vingt-six [kat-ra-van-sees]
87 quatre-vingt-sept [kat-ra-van-set]
88 quatre-vingt-huit [kat-ra-van-weet]
89 quatre-vingt-neuf [kat-ra-van-nurf]
90 quatre-vingt-dix [kat-ra-van-dees]
91 quatre-vingt-onze [kat-ra-van-onz]
92 quatre-vingt-douze [kat-ra-van-dooz]
93 quatre-vingt-treize [kat-ra-van- trez]
94 quatre-vingt-quatorze [kat-ra-van-katorz]
95 quatre-vingt-quinze [kat-ra-van- kanz]
96 quatre-vingt-seize [kat-ra-van- sez]
97 quatre-vingt-dix-sept [kat-ra-van- dee-set]
98 quatre-vingt-dix-huit [kat-ra-van- dees-weet]
99 quatre-vingt-dix-neuf [kat-ra-van- dees-nurf]
100 cent [son]

And here’s the audio pronuciation:

More on numbers

When giving a telephone number, for example, the French usually do so in two’s.  In other words, a French phone number would be written like this: and they would say it like this: onze … cinquante-cinq…soixante-trois…quatre-vingt-douze.

When talking about money,  the French would usually say soixante douze euros et vingt centimes (72,20€).  Yes, that’s right, they use commas instead of decimal points between the whole euros and the cents.

And remember, the final consonants in cinq, six, huit, and dix are pronounced at the end of a sentence or in front of a vowel.  But, they are silent when followed by another word that begins with a consonant.

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  1. Kiran Rauf:

    i know the song it goes like this un deux trois
    quatre cinq six
    sept huit neuf
    dix and dix dix and dix

  2. samira:

    six is the same in english

    • dde:

      @samira Yes but it’s pronounced sees

  3. Sean Rasmussen:


    I’ve made an app that will certainly help you master your French Numbers:

    Best regards,

    • Rikaya:

      @Sean Rasmussen Can you make the video slower I didn’t understand anything

  4. Charissa:

    Hello. This website is a great one and I encourage y’all to tell your friends bout it. Although I know a little french before I learn a lot from it. Take my advice.

  5. shanta:

    thanks so much, really helped!

  6. someone:

    the pronounciations listed in the chart are slightly off.

    • Rose:

      @someone Actually, all the pronunciations are correct. However, not all pronunciations can be sounded out in English writting, so you have to know the French accent. For example, the pronunciation for 100/cent is written son, but you wouldn’t say it like our English word son (In the French language the suffixes such as -on and -an are pronounced with a silent n and a nasal accent). With a French accent SON would sound like a very nasal SO.

  7. Jake Benin:

    Yes the french spelling is correct however the pronunciation given is not exactly the same.

  8. Janedulie:

    OH finally I found website where they REALLY got numbers from one to hundred !
    – lovely web / blog now I’m gonna do my exams for A+ :D!

  9. Adrianna:

    Had a huge project due today and this really helped! Thanks a bunch.


  10. Natalie:

    I am learning French right now and I believe the number 71 is “soixant et onze” not “soixant-et-onze” because the “et” replaces the “-” Correct me if I’m wrong?

    • prabhav:

      @Natalie no , et replaces and. it is used only with one. my tuition teacher told me.

  11. Baher:

    I like French it is my most favorite language in the world.

    • Mimi:

      @Baher I think u might be wrong tho just correcting ya??

  12. John Gabriel Liwanag:

    This really helps…since I need to study french before I go to Canada,this really helps me

  13. Georgia:

    I really enjoyed this page. I am at school, and struggle with french. This helped a lot. thanks for making this but maybe you make it a little easier to print. perhaps even make it possibe to copy and paste the table. thanks a lot. georgia lyons.

  14. helen:

    love it cause I like French and like to say (three) TWA

    • Zed:

      @helen For real


  15. Response to Natalie:

    Yes you are right Natalie… but such things are often overlooked because this is just for beginners to get a sense of the language

    • Je m’appelle Kathleen:

      @Response to Natalie The error pointed out in the usage of hyphens in the number seventy-one is elemental and therefore extremely important. A solid and correctly built foundation is necessary and key in any language acquisition. Please fix the mistake if possible because it certainly DOES matter especially because the table IS for beginners. It matters just as much as if the number six(6) was misspelled “sex”……
      As a beginner, I would, in fact, like a “correct sense” of the language.

  16. lalith:

    thank u for helping me again i have studied french in 6th class in dav school and forgot everything going to another school thanks again for remembering me everything again

  17. Daniel:

    I just noted one error: 71 is without hyphens. It should be “soixante et onze”, as in fact are all similar previous numbers (21,31,…,61).

  18. Daniel:

    I mean that 71 should be without hyphens. 81 and 91 are correctly with hyphens in the tables since they don’t have “et” in them.

  19. Mustafaismail:

    Thanks for all the help I’m really happy to see this website I bet anyone who sees this website and learns French will love this website

  20. Madame Taylor:

    This is nice because my students and I would like to practice saying the numbers when they are pronounced by a French speaker. However, a little bit of space between each number so we can repeat would be very nice.Just a suggestion. Merci!

  21. corrigendum:

    21 vingt et un [van-tay-uh]
    71 soixante et onze
    81 quatre-vingt-un [kat-ra-van-uh]

  22. vishu2004:

    janedulie you are correct it is soixant et onze not soixant-et-onze

  23. amy:

    I’m pretty sure that 71 is “soixante-onze,” because that’s what it says in my French book… but, at the same time, I don’t think so. a little confusion, but other than that, its perfect!!!!!

  24. Heather B:

    The phonetic transcription needs serious editing. There is NO “r” sound in “neuf.” It is closer to “enough” than a “nerf” ball. 60 “soixante” is way off. Any French teacher should be horrified by this.

  25. Heather B:

    And 3 tRois is not “twa”! There is an R in that number that must be pronounced other wise you are saying “toi” = you.

  26. Funmi:

    This page was really helpful in assisting my 5th grader prince with his french studies. Thanks.

  27. Mike:

    Why is 80 quatre-vingts when quatre is 4 and vingt is 20? And 90 is quatre-vingt dix, when quatre is 4, vingt is 20 and Dix is 10, making it something add 30, which should be 60, soixante!!!

    • Naman:

      @Mike quatre which is 4 and vingt is 20 so 4 X 20 = 80. that is quatre-vingts
      so dix is 10 then it would be 4X20+10=90 which is quatre-vingt dix


  28. Eliza Williams:

    J’ai onze ans. I love french, but I don’t know a lot of it, so this helped me a lot.
    Thanks! 🙂

  29. Blanche Emsley.:

    Merci beaucoup. I am 82, living in a Retirement residence in Montreal where it is 85 percent French, Je parole francais une peu. So, I am very grateful for this site.

  30. Percy:

    Thank you so much, I am really delighted, because I find this site very helpful to me. I really wanna learn French, thank God I stumbled on this

  31. Harpreet Ghandial:

    This is really helpful for learning.

  32. alekxis jimenez:

    this page really helpd me get better with my french class and i really enjoys it thxs allot

  33. Commander Mohan:

    A very good source of help!
    You have made it so easy, with clear pronunciation. Thanks for making French easy to learn and speak.

  34. Sandra:

    Don’t forget that the number one can be ‘un’ (male) or ‘une’ (female).

  35. Anonymous:

    I am successfully fluent in English and French, and I am going through every website with French i it. I believe your website is great. Although the pronunciation given is not quite correct.

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