French Numbers: Learn to Count from 1 to 1000 Posted by Hichem on Nov 1, 2011 in Vocabulary
Un, deux, trois, c’est parti (one, two, three, here we go)!
So… you want to learn how to count in French like a pro?
Well, look no further mes amis, because the Transparent French Blog will show you how to do it—en un tour de main (in a flash)!
The key to learning how to count in French from 100 to 1000 is to learn the first hundred numbers, from 1 to 100; all you have to do after that is just put on the front cent (one hundred), or deux cent (two hundred), or trois cent (three hundred), or quatre cent (four hundred), or cinq cents (five hundred), etc.
Plutôt facile, non? (rather easy, no?)
Prenons quelques exemples (let us take a few examples), to make it even clearer:
- 7 = Sept, 700 = Sept cent, 707 = Sept cent sept
- 307 = Trois cent sept
- 801 = Huit cent un
- 18 = Dix-huit, 100 = cent, 118 = Cent dix-huit
- 918 = Neuf cent dix-huit
* D’abord (first), the first 100 numbers in French:
- 0 Zéro
- 1 Un
- 2 Deux
- 3 Trois
- 4 Quatre
- 5 Cinq
- 6 Six
- 7 Sept
- 8 Huit
- 9 Neuf
- 10 Dix
- 11 Onze
- 12 Douze
- 13 Treize
- 14 Quatorze
- 15 Quinze
- 16 Seize
- 17 Dix-sept
- 18 Dix-huit
- 19 Dix-neuf
- 20 Vingt
- 21 Vingt et un
- 22 Vingt-deux
- 23 Vingt-trois
- 24 Vingt-quatre
- 25 Vingt-cinq
- 26 Vingt-six
- 27 Vingt-sept
- 28 Vingt-huit
- 29 Vingt-neuf
- 30 Trente
- 31 Trente et un
- 32 Trente-deux
- 33 Trente-trois
- 34 Trente-quatre
- 35 Trente-cinq
- 36 Trente-six
- 37 Trente-sept
- 38 Trente-huit
- 39 Trente-neuf
- 40 Quarante
- 41 Quarante et un
- 42 Quarante-deux
- 43 Quarante-trois
- 44 Quarante-quatre
- 45 Quarante-cinq
- 46 Quarante-six
- 47 Quarante-sept
- 48 Quarante-huit
- 49 Quarante-neuf
- 50 Cinquante
- 51 Cinquante et un
- 52 Cinquante-deux
- 53 Cinquante-trois
- 54 Cinquante-quatre
- 55 Cinquante-cinq
- 56 Cinquante-six
- 57 Cinquante-sept
- 58 Cinquante-huit
- 59 Cinquante-neuf
- 60 Soixante
- 61 Soixante et un
- 62 Soixante-deux
- 63 Soixante-trois
- 64 Soixante-quatre
- 65 Soixante-cinq
- 66 Soixante-six
- 67 Soixante-sept
- 68 Soixante-huit
- 69 Soixante-neuf
- 70 Soixante-dix
- 71 Soixante et onze
- 72 Soixante-douze
- 73 Soixante-treize
- 74 Soixante-quatorze
- 75 Soixante-quinze
- 76 Soixante-seize
- 77 Soixante-dix-sept
- 78 Soixante-dix-huit
- 79 Soixante dix-neuf
- 80 Quatre-vingts (Literally “Four twenties”!)
- 81 Quatre-vingt-un
- 82 Quatre-vingt-deux
- 83 Quatre-vingt-trois
- 84 Quatre-vingt-quatre
- 85 Quatre-vingt-cinq
- 86 Quatre-vingt-six
- 87 Quatre-vingt-sept
- 88 Quatre-vingt-huit
- 89 Quatre-vingt-neuf
- 90 Quatre-vingt-dix
- 91 Quatre-vingt-onze
- 92 Quatre-vingt-douze
- 93 Quatre-vingt-treize
- 94 Quatre-vingt-quatorze
- 95 Quatre-vingt-quinze
- 96 Quatre-vingt-seize
- 97 Quatre-vingt-dix-sept
- 98 Quatre-vingt-dix-huit
- 99 Quatre-vingt dix-neuf
- 100 Cent
- 101 Cent un
- 102 Cent deux
- 103 Cent trois
- etc.
- 500 Cinq cent
- 501 Cinq cent un
- 502 Cinq cent deux
- 503 Cinq cent trois
- etc.
- 600 Six cent
- 700 Sept cent
- 800 Huit cent
- 900 Neuf cent
1000 Mille !

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i like this site, does anyone know how to say a billion in french if you do please reply thanks
Exotical out
@Exotic Hi Exotic: One billion in French is “un milliard” 🙂
@Exotic Yes I do un Milliard.
i forgot Exotic out peace poof bye
wow thanks so much
i love this website so much
if you know how to say 1000 in french reply back please
@The_Talented Bonjour!
1000 in French is “mille“, as in the expression “en plein dans le mille“, which means “bull’s eye” (“you got it!”)
@The_Talented I think I do I think it is un milliard
This site rocks hey does anyone know how to say puppys are so cute in French write back soon
Exotic out peace
Le Mister French:
@exotic Salut Exotic!
Very glad you enjoy the French Blog 🙂
To say “Puppies are so cute” in French would be “Les chiots sont tellement mignons.”
Now, make sure that when you say “chiot”, you do not pronounce the last “t”, otherwise you would be saying something like “the toilet’s so cute’…
I cant wait 4 christmas merry christmas and hannuka
Seeya remember reply 2 my early question avwa
Hey thanks for replying Cus I love puppys
Hey its me again just wanted to say merry Christmas iv got a question so like who got at least two things they wanted for Christmas I did I got a life sized Penguin and all the Harry potter movies yayyyy
Oh and the comment b4 this one was at 11:37 AM and the one b4,was at 8:20 PM so yayyy
Sean Rasmussen:
I’ve made both this site (where you can see and hear the numbers from 0-1000), as well as an iPhone app which features 0-1,000,000.
Sean Rasmussen:
I’ve made both this site (where you can see and hear the numbers from 0-1000), as well as an iPhone app which features 0-1,000,000.
Bonjour, Je m’appelle Maldha, J’habite a Maldives :3 Annd I’m not very fluent in French and found it SO DAMN HARD to learn the numbers and I finaaaally did iiit 😀 Thanks to this site C:
yay french is awesome garreth99
Bonjour tout le monde. Je suis très satisfait que vous nous avez donné les nombres en français. Ce sera m’aider avec l’apprendre. Merci beaucoup :)!
c’est cinq cents, pas cinq cent. merci bcp!
Could you please add the “s” to cinq cents? Merci… this is a very nice list. Merci! (six cents, sept cents…)…
actually its vingt et un vingt deux
the only exeption is 80 is quatre vingt un
Hi, I’ve seen on other French teaching sites *variations* of numbers from 200 to 900. I’m wondering which are correct, or you can use them alternatively?
Example of 200=deux cents; and deux-cents.
In your examples there is no “s” at the end of the word cent, when meaning more than one hundred.
How do you say the number 900 000 in French words. Sorry if this is trivial stuff to you, I’m sorta just starting
In 505 it’s not cinque it’s cinq
I’m writing a book and I wanted the chapter titles to be in french, so the numbers were helpful.
How do you say Chapter in French?
Can someone explain where did the letter o come from in soixante? (since 6 is six not soix)
My take is that this is how the French avoid confusion with six-cents (600) when pronouncing it though the t is silent here.
This websites really good =D
Started to learn French in school but a little confusing, but this website has made everything more clear =)
rosa mora:
French is really awesome and I know b/c I have learned some numbers in French.
CaSsandra Hammond:
I like this site and love the language , my dream mission is to retire in France, big difference from Ohio lol😙
J’aime bien La Langue francais. Mais j’ai La probleme d’expression. IL my person avec qu’on put Parker toujours.
J m’appelle rose
J’ai vingt ans
Spicy memes:
Thank to this site I learned the numbers😱
Stressing over a french test… this helped a lot
this site is amazing helped me really well
Give me techniques of learning French language in all areas
Bonne swahr.. Je’mappelle emanni Simmonds, Jhabite a Jamaica.. Je ne parle un peu le francais. Parlez vous anglais et un peu le espagnol.. Merci de m’avoir aide les numbers en francais..
Pouvez-vous m’aider? Comment dit- on I want to be multilingual et I want to be fluent en Francais??
How do you say 1,500,000 in french
This website helped me a lot when I forgot how to spell nombers in French I’m already in French immersion but amazing website love it😍
Does anybody no how to say 10,000
Transparent Language:
@Lily dix milles 🙂
Richie Forbes:
This site has helped me to gain better French grades for my gcse’s
Merci for this! Just started learning French in September for school and I’m really loving the culture! Will defiantly be visiting this sight more often! 🙂 Thanks again
kenneth sondem:
how do we say ”i want to be in the first class this year”
Does anyone here know how to say “mirrors show the true nature of the beauty inside” in French ☺️