French Language Blog

Tag Archives: determinant

Classical French Grammar 101! Posted by on Nov 24, 2013

We’ve already covered tougher topics in French grammar, not the least of which was le subjonctif. Today, we invite you to Review with us les bases… It sure doesn’t get more “classical” in French grammar than the subject of les classes grammaticales (Grammatical Classes.) In French, as in any other language, in order to fully grasp the meaning of a sentence, it is essential to…

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The Right French Spelling is *Ça va*—Not “Sa va”! Posted by on Feb 17, 2012

Hey! Salut les amis! Ça va bien…? Tell me, what is the difference in French between “ça“, “çà“, and “sa“? Today’s post will talk about that avec les détails: Whether or not you’ve been fully diagnosed with a desperately incurable case of “coulrophobie” (that -please, try not to laugh- is the serious medical term that describes…

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Les classes grammaticales françaises (French Grammatical Classes) Posted by on Jun 6, 2011

Don’t be just good, or “average good”, in French grammar; why not become un superman de la grammaire française ! (Picture suggested by a fan of The French Blog) * * * For that, retour aux bases (back to the basics):   Starting with identifying les classes grammaticales (Grammatical classes), which are today’s subject: Le…

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French Homophones: “Ça”, “çà”, and “sa” Posted by on May 30, 2011

Whether or not you’ve been fully or partially diagnosed with a desperately incurable case of “coulrophobie” (that -please don’t laugh- is the serious term that applies to the “phobia of clowns”), using “ça” in French grammar should not be as terrifying of an experience as, say, watching all alone in the grim darkness of…

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